Captain's Log

939 58 13

Trigger Warning: discussions of death, mention of suicide by hanging, lots of sad

Captain's Log, 

The date is 8/17/3059. Captain Tommyinnit, with the daily report. 

I'm very hungry. As you know, food ran out four days ago. I'm trying to conserve what little water there is, but there's no point. I'm just prolonging the inevitable.

When Ranboo died yesterday, we'd already filled up all of the body containment shells, so he's just sitting in his chair where he died. Fucking creepy, but I can't muster up the strength to move him to a storage room, and I spend most of my time in here.

Anyway, status report. The ship is as useless as ever, I can't move it anywhere, and there's no more fuel. Power went out this morning. There's no way oxygen lasts for much longer. It might even go out before I finish recording.

Ha. I'm going to die out here. There's no possible chance of another ship finding me in time for me to live. If so, I'd be able to see it from the windows by now. Anything so far that it can't be seen is too far for me to survive.

I still don't know what caused the ship's breakdown. Captain Dream said it was most likely sabotaged. As soon as he said that, I could think of twenty different people who could have and might have done it. But I guess that doesn't matter. Sabotage, accident, negligent crew, it would still end like this.

Captain Dream said I had to live. He said that I, as the youngest, had had the least experience alive. He said I deserved to live a little longer. Maybe so, but I wish he would have chosen someone else.

Is a death so painful and drawn out any worse than a life without any of the people I knew and loved? Is such a death really so much worse than this death I will have? The death full of grief and loneliness, having to watch others die because they decided I must live?

I wonder which, out of all of us, had the worst death. Will it be Captain Dream, who couldn't even live out his oath, "A captain goes down with his ship"? Captain Dream, who took his mask off, showed me his face, something only George and Sapnap had seen, and told me, in complete honesty, "You were going to inherit this ship."? Oh how right he was. Captain Dream, who died before the ship was broken beyond repair? Because, even now, this ship could be repaired, if you had the right equipment.

Will it be Wilbur and Techno, who died directly one after the other, holding each other tight, as they both told their last hope, me, "Live for us, Theseus. Live for Mum."?

Will it be Sapnap, who died trying to fix the outside of the ship, by being disconnected by a fluke while he was outside and taken away by the cruel space around him, without a chance to say goodbye? Will it be Karl, who forced us to let him die next in his anguish? Quackity, who would not speak again until his dying moments, when he whispered "Stay strong, little brother, we are with you." in my ear?

Maybe it'll be Eret, he was trying to fix some wiring when a random jolt of electricity shocked him to death to quick to say goodbye.

Or Tubbo, who tried so hard to make it through this before he broke, and hung himself.

I know I shouldn't be using the captain's log for this, but I'm the captain, I do what I want.

I'm... really sad. It's guaranteed that I'm going to die alone, even after all of my friends' and family's hard work to try and make me survive.

Anyway, end log.

Captain's Log, the date is the day after yesterday.

I'm dying. I don't want a slow death.

End log.

Captain's Log, the date is pointless. It's today. End log.

Captain's Log, 8/20/3059.

I'm leaving this message to anyone who hears it. This is for my dead friends to hear, but I want to be remembered. I want someone to remember us. Remember them.

Thank you. This is my goodbye. It's the end of my story. I blame myself. And if it's true, I will surround you. I give my life to a world that will be your own.

End log.

Captain's Log, 8/21/3059. The stars are bright. There won't be a log after this one. I'm going to die. I'll either kill myself or let the ship do it.

I don't have anything left to say.

Goodbye, I guess. A final fuck you to the universe.




End Log.

A/n whoa. sad.

I love you all!

Please try not to self harm. And please don't kill yourself.



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