Best friends

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Trigger Warning: mention of shipping people who don't want to be shipped

Tommy and Tubbo. Best Friends.

"Hey, Tommy, I was looking at a fan fiction."

"Oh really? I've read a few, the writers really like putting me through pain for some reason."

"Well, one of them shipped us."

"What the fuck why would they do that!"

"I know! They need to stop, right?"

"I am uncomfortable with being shipped with any of my friends!"

"I don't want to be shipped at all!"

"They should stop."

"Yeah, they should stop."

Don't ship Tommy and Tubbo, please.

A/N i don't know where this came from

I love you all

even you

every single one of you deserves love

take care

Please don't kill yourself

Bye Littles! (to be decided)

~Author/name to be decided

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