The Messed Up Man

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here's an alternative ending to The Broken Boy. there might be yet another, but might not. maybe read the first little bit of Broken Boy again to recap

He did it. He killed Tubbo.

He was laughing.

"I won, Tommy! You lost!"

He can't do this without Tubbo.

How dare Dream?


Tommy was filled with anger, rage, vengeance.

He pounced.


Skeppy could hear everything.

He heard Dream kill Tubbo.

He heard Tommy's anguished screams.

He heard an attack, a battle roar.

He heard Tommy break as he killed Dream.

He heard Tommy's sobs as Dream returned, heard Tommy kill him twice more.

He tries to call out. He can't. He hasn't spoken in so long his voice was practically gone. He drank as little water as possible, seeing as Dream wasn't consistent in keeping him alive. He couldn't afford the necessity of more water since he talked. Dream also beat him if he talked when Dream was present.

He wants to reassure Tommy, but he can barely make a sound.

Finally, he thumps his hand on the ground of his cell, loudly.

He can hear Tommy coming back over. They'd made eye contact before Tubbo had died.

"..Skeppy.." Tommy breathed out, significantly quieter than his personality. "I'll get you out of there." 

He leaves to grab the axe of peace off of the wall, before slamming it into the cell door.

Eventually, it broke.

Tommy held a hand out, helping Skeppy up.

"How long were you in there?"

Days, he wants to say. Weeks.

Skeppy opens his mouth again.

"..Ah-" is the only sound he can make before he's coughing, horribly.

He goes to the chest in his cell, pulling out a potion bottle that held water.

He drank some of it, only a little, because large quantities of water all at once is not as effective as small sips frequently.

He filled his inventory with the contents of the chest, which was just four water bottles, twenty-seven carrots and two stacks of bread.

Tommy waited for him to be ready, holding Technoblade's axe and the lead for that blue sheep named Friend. 

He didn't know who's sheep it was, but clearly it must have been important to them, considering that it was in the hall of blackmail that Dream kept.

He had been one of the blackmail items, for Bad, but Bad stopped caring about him. The only reason he wasn't released was because he knew where the base was. And so that Dream could have a punching bag.

"Through the portal, Skeppy," Tommy beckoned him. He was already at the portal.

Skeppy watched him grab his discs.

Skeppy slowly walked over to him. He hadn't done much exercise in his small cell, and his legs were admittedly weak, unused to bearing his weight.

Tommy seemed to notice this, as he put the discs in his inventory, grabbed the lead in his left hand, and offered Skeppy his right.

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