"Come talk to me."

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Wilbur angst based off of what he said about his anxiety and how he copes

hi family!

triple update because why not

He didn't want to get out of bed.

Scratch that, he couldn't get out of bed.

It was 4:30 in the afternoon, he hadn't eaten all day. He should take a shower.

He couldn't get out of bed.

Here he was, watching YouTube marble race videos. (he was hoping brown would win)

Because he couldn't get out of bed.

He'd always said no to anxiety medication. Maybe he shouldn't have.

Clearly then it's his fault.

Why would he say no? 

He's such an idiot.

He can't do anything he hasn't streamed in so long he's a failure he-

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Come talk to me big man

I know it's hard for you

i'm on discord right now

answer me


u up?

of course ur up nvm u nver sleep

u ok?

I'm ready whenever wilby

wanna talk?

need to talk?

Stupid fucking Tommyinnit. Why does he care?

He's just a kid, and he doesn't have anxiety.

He doesn't understand.

i know i dont have anxiety like you, but you can still talk to me

big man?

whenever youre ready

That child could read his mind.

He does owe the kid.

He'll discord talk. He owes Tommy that much.

He drags himself out of bed.

He doesn't bother to get changed, his dresser is too far away, and what if Tommy doesn't like his outfit? What if Tommy is disgusted by him? What if?

He sits in his chair, starts up his PC.

He opens Discord.

"Hey Tommy."

"Wil! How are you feeling? I'm so glad you've got out of bed today!"

He could hear the smile in the boy's voice. Tommy was quieter than on stream. He'd actually listened when he'd told him he was too loud.

"Not good, to be honest." He sighed.

"Aw, well, how can I cheer you up, Big Man?"

"You already have, Tommy. You already have."

Wilbur smiled. Today was a good day.

A/N angst with happiness this time! not exactly satisfied but still proud of this

i have plans for Part 3 of Tommy's boyfriend and a couple other part 2s

I love you all

Please don't self harm or kill yourself, because I love you. the urge to do these things will not stay forever, but my love for you will. i love you, i love your imperfections, i love everything about you, even the parts i might wish were different. You are loved, you are wanted, and you are welcome here. if you need anything, message me. I want to know you are all doing okay, or if you're better than yesterday, or if you're worse than you've ever been. You matter to me, and to the wattpad community.

Bye Chat!

~Tanner/River/insert parental title here

Tommyinnit (mostly) angst oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora