Dizzy spells

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thank you for the idea! -BFKARL

told you i would write this sorry it took so long

before I start, Someone told me that their trans friend says it's not pogchamp to write fanfics about people's gender identity. As a trans person with trans online friends, we are okay with this. this is similar to self harm fics, in which, people who want to read do so, and people who are uncomfortable don't. if you don't want to read trans tommy then please skip those chapters.

also if you're under the wattpad legal age, for the love of Pete don't broadcast it everywhere. authors and comment readers don't want to have to report anybody, it makes us feel bad. just don't mention your age. it's not that hard.


Tommyinnit. The famous sixteen year old Minecraft streamer. The Big Man. The Alpha Male.

He wasn't actually invincible.

He has Vasovagal Syncope. A fainting condition. It has a lot of weird triggers.

But he's never fainted on stream so he's fine.

Tommy was streaming, laughing with his friends, in the middle of summer. Unfortunately, the AC was broken, so it was very hot.

Too hot.

"Wait but what if cows could fly?" Tubbo joked. Tommy laughed.

"And what if they were green!" He added.

Wilbur slammed his desk. "STOP IT WITH THE COWS!!"

He was beginning to feel uncomfortable in the heat. He drank some water. It wasn't enough.

He was going to faint on stream. On camera. In front of several hundred thousand viewers.

"Wilbur I-I need help-" He gasped as his vision turned dark.

He wished he hadn't faked those 'dog stream interruptions' to cover up the fact that he had a service dog.


Betty climbed onto Master's lap.

She knew what she had to do. She'd trained with Patients before. She'd helped Master quite a few times.

Master's Alpha and Sire were often around her, but she didn't have to help them like she had to help Master.

Walter wasn't like her. He was not trained the same way. He knew Sit, and Lie Down, and basic commands. He didn't know how to help Panic Seizure Attack Procedures. Or Help Master Because Master Should Not Be Asleep Right Now And Master Needs Help.

Betty licked Master's face. She kept a constant pressure on his chest. no i dont know how this works this is made up

A voice! She could hear someone that was not Master, or Master's Sire and Alpha!

Oh, it's Master's body-less friend! The one with the comforting voice!

He was concerned, but she didn't know what he was saying.

He wasn't using commands.

Betty stayed focused on Master. She was a good dog.


"What happened to Tommy?" Wilbur asked worriedly.

"I don't know!" Tubbo responded. "Pull up his stream!"

Quickly Wilbur got Tommy's stream up. Tommy was on his chair, unconscious, and Betty was on top of him?


"Tubbo I'm calling his dad." Wilbur stated, trying to stay calm. He pulled out his phone and opened his contacts, scrolling down to Mr. Turner.

"Hello? Aren't you streaming with my son?"

"Why has your son got a service dog, and why did he faint on stream?"

"Shit TOMMY!"

The call ended.


Sam Turner rushed up the stairs. Tommy didn't lock his door during streams specifically in case of this.

He burst through the door, taking in the scene.

His son, in his chair, Betty doing her job fantastically. The stream still up, the chat going wild.

"Dammit Tommy I'm trying to get the AC fixed!" 

He rushed to his son, gently ushering Betty off. She knew what to do and waited as Sam laid Tommy on his bed, and then she returned to her position.

He could feel how hot it was. Sam gently shook his son's shoulders.

"Hey Toms. You've gotta wake up okay? You fainted pretty bad. And you're also live. Wait I should stop that."

Sam rushed to the setup, searching for the end stream button.

"Oh there it is bye everyone sorry!"

He clicked it immediately.


What the fuck was wrong with Tommy?

He fainted because of the heat?

Wilbur ended stream. He was still in discord with Tommy and Tubbo.

"Tubbo what's going on with Tommy?" Wilbur asked.

"I don't know!" Tubbo was panicking.

Mr. Turner better call him back.


"Tommy? Are you awake now?"

He groaned. 

He'd fainted, hadn't he?

On stream?


"Dad I fucked up."

"Shhh, son, it's alright." Dad said, soothing him.

"You did faint on stream, but that's not your fault, okay? That's not your fault. The AC is broken, that's all."

"I know Dad. I feel like I could have prevented it, though."

"Well, we're lucky that Betty was with you."

"Yeah. Um, Dad?"


"I'm gonna have to tell everybody."


"What's up, boys!"

Tommy grinned at his camera. "I'm back for another stream! Now, this one's just gonna be me in a new Minecraft server. And I want to talk first."

He began to play the game as he talked.

"As you know, last stream I fainted. Well, that's because I have a medical condition called a fainting disorder. As you can guess, with the right triggers, I faint. I have a service dog named Betty who is trained to help me deal with this."

"Betty is a licensed service dog who wears a vest when she is working."

"I did stage her coming into my room on stream, to convince you all that she is a normal dog."

"That was a lie."

"I apologize."

"From now on she stays with me during streams."

"That's it I guess. Serious talk, over."


A/N a lot of these are having happy endings... hmm

I love you all!

Please do not self harm or commit suicide

Bye Chat!

~Tanner/River/parental title

Tommyinnit (mostly) angst oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora