The inner thoughts of Technoblade

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So this is Technoblade's thoughts during the Dream and Tommy argument

"I'm the only one who goes against you, Dream. And you know what?"

Tommy shouted, while I proudly stood at his side. For once, someone on his side.

"You're scared of me."

"T-Tommy, you better come with me, or I'll burn your disc." Dream said, completely serious. He was scared of Tommy. Huh. Useful information for future skirmishes.

Tommy hesitated. He was clearly thinking. That disc was why he defied Dream, if he went back to obeying, I'd lose everything.

My back up, my house, everything would be destroyed. The only reason it hadn't been yet was because I had Tommy.

I had to say something.

"Well that's going to be a bit of a problem, Dream," I started, quickly standing in between the monster and my brother. I aim my crossbow right at the manipulative bastard.

"Because this guy's with me."

Dream paused, humming.

"Are you sure, Techno?"

Dream was a powerful enemy, but I could beat him.

"I am sure."

I look back at Tommy's astonished face before turning back to Dream.

"This is- uh, this is a business partner. We're working for our own mutual benefit right now." 

I can't let Dream control Tommy again.

"So I-I cant- I can't really have you taking him away before- before I get- before I complete my objectives. Before I get my revenge. Unless of course, you want to call in that favor."

I know Dream won't want that favor now. But I can't tell Tommy, he can't know or else Dream would find out I'm playing him.

"W-what favor?"

Tommy looks at me, slight distrust in his gaze. He doesn't know how much that hurt me. Don't worry Tommy, I swear I'll protect you, remember when we were kids and I swore?

"Don't ask questions, Tommy, the adults are speaking." Tommy grew up too fast, he was an adult.

I ignore Tommy's 'hey!'. 

Dream hesitates.

"I think- I think uh- I'll- I-I I have something in mind for that later so I'll, I'll keep it, as long as you're sure."

"All right." I say. Now Tommy and I could probably leave.

"Alright. We're good for now, Tommy." Dream starts walking away.

If I hadn't been there...

Dream circles around us, eyes never leaving Tommy.

"Get away," Tommy says as he heads to the stairs.

"Yeah, get out of here," I declare monotonously.

"Get away." Tommy commanded, head held high, masking his fear almost perfectly, anyone other than his family would have been tricked.

I smirk.

"Go back to your cardboard in my terrain."

"What!" Dream yells. "I have a house!"

"Yes but it's cardboard, it's like two by two blocks!"

"It's not! I have a- let me show you-"

"You know what Dream?" Tommy butts in.

"Yeah yeah yeah." I encourage him. He really does need encouragement.

"Go to hell, alright?"

He hits Dream once with his sword.

"As far as I'm concerned you're about to go through a portal to hell." Dream reasons.

Tommy mocks him. I'm so proud of that boy.

And then he finally separates everything that tried to hold Tommy and Dream together.


I shut up. I knew what he was going to do.

Dream is silent too.

"Go fuck yourself."

The two of us go through the portal.

A/N thanks for reading and somehow getting this book to 9k reads

I love you all

You are so amazing

Please dont self harm or kill yourself

Because i will be sad

take care

Bye Goldfish! (because i love you so much) (goldfish as in the crackers) (to be decided)

~Author/name to be decided

Tommyinnit (mostly) angst oneshotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ