Gayinnit? No, but not too far off.

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Trigger Warning: trans tommy, slight internalized homophobia

also thanks so much for 1k reads thanks for the suggestion @76y7u8 and @zenmaster1100

Tommyinnit is now streaming: We Need To Talk.

"Okay chat, so today's stream is more serious, we will not be playing Minecraft, or anything, we're gonna have a talk about certain things. Because this is so important, I've got all my friends streams watching this too, because I want this information to go viral. Everybody needs to know this, because it's been making me really, really uncomfortable. Okay?"

Tommy took a deep breath. Today was the day. His face cam was off, because he was wearing a bra instead of a binder to help with the big reveal. Tommy wanted to tell everyone, and what better time than June, literal Pride Month?

And no. Tubbo doesn't know. Or Wilbur. He's doing this alone. But it'll be fine! He's Tommyinnit, the greatest man alive, and he already knows Eret and Niki won't care, seeing as they're also LGBTQ+. But he's so scared. So. Fucking. Scared.

"Okay, so this stream has to do with the Gayinnit trend, where you all decide to spam gayinnit in the chat. No, don't do it now!"

Too late. 

"So, what's going to happen is we're going to have a talk, and no I won't turn on my camera, I'm not currently presentable." Ha ha. Very funny.

"So, as you all know, I stated during a stream that I would take gay as a compliment. However, this is actually starting to negatively affect me, so I have to say it, any more gayinnit's in chat and mods will put you in timeout, if you continue to do so, you may or may not be banned."

A dono came in.

'may i ask why??'

"Well," Tommy started, "It just made me really uncomfortable, like pretending to be something I'm not, which, funny story, I have a lot of experience with that, (now or never do it now!) being a trans male and all that."

Chat exploded.

donos came rolling in.

'Tommy wtf'

'prove it'

'so whats in your pants?'

'ew fucking ******'

"Okay okay shut up, user4 and user5 first of all don't ask that, second of all don't say that, homophobia and transphobia are not allowed here. Someone put them in timeout. And user3, you asked me to prove it? Sure."

Tommy took a deep breath. He pressed the camera button.

Messages flooded in as he revealed himself.

'lets get transinnit trending'

'she's a fucking woman'

Wilbursoot 'Tommy im so proud of you'

Tubbo 'why woudnt yuo tel me?'

Eret 'lets go to pride 2gether'

Ph1lz4 'thx for telling us'

'im ftm too!'

"Um, user7, you can leave, let's ban them, mods. I don't want to see that on my streams. User8, good for you, I hope everything's well, yes, user6, get transinnit trending everywhere, because I am not a woman. And no, this does not make me a lesbian."

Tommy  smiled. He was in control! Barely anyone was saying anything bad! 

"So you guys really can't call me gay, because I love women so much. And would you look at that I'm crying. Oh fuck."

'haha little baby child'


Tommy laughed his famous cackle. "So that's pretty much all I had to say, Happy Pride Month, everybody-"

'do a pride vlog'

Tommy gasped. "Thank you user10 that is a great idea I will see if I can do that. Overall, thanks to everyone for their support, this is great, I mean I don't know what I was expecting, but not this! So, I don't have anything else to say, what do we wanna do now?"


A/N jeez this was so hard to write its so bad 

thanks for the support. i have ideas now and i have three or four more drafts that aren't finished

take care

I love you all

Please don't kill yourself

Bye sprouts! (to be decided)

~Author/name to be decided

Tommyinnit (mostly) angst oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now