Tommyinnit was slain by Dream

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this one shot got more violent then planned because i get really violent sometimes and i usually pretend to not be violent but i can let it out by writing violent things. because i don't actually hurt people irl and i was feeling violent so this one shot got violent when it was supposed to be sad.

this was supposed to be a one shot where tommy keeps dying and dying and getting resurrected but it spiraled because i am feeling violent right now


Dream brought him back to life.

He'd said, "Tommy, you have three more lives, and you're going to spend them with me."

His voice was sickly sweet, a lie both of them knew no one would fall for.

Tommy was trying to ignore him.

He wasn't succeeding.

"Tommy we're friends, right?"

"Sapnap's not my friend anymore."

"Tommy do you like being in this cage with me?"

"You do know they think you're dead."

He hates the talking.

He likes dying much better.

When Dream is particularly mad, he kills him.

Over and over again.

Tommyinnit was slain by Dream.

He's just brought back to life anyways.

Dream thinks it's satisfying to kill him when Dream's mad, fun to kill him when Dream's bored, and powerful to kill him when Dream's manipulative.

The time's Dream talks to him are the only times he isn't dying.

Wilbur, Schlatt and Mexican Dream are getting incredibly concerned, since Tommy keeps joining them only to be torn away again.

This time he barely can reach out to his brother before he's disappearing.

"Tommy come back!" Dream whined. "Why did you have to die when I threw you into the lava? Come on, you're ruining my fun!"

So Dream was bored today.

"Tommyyyyyyyyy," Dream groaned. "Come onnnnnn, I wanna do something! Please?"

"Fuck off." Tommy snarled, staring into the lava.

"Tommy..." Dream said, pouting.



"Shut up."


Oh no.

He was using the 'angry and disappointed parent voice'.

"Yes, Dream?"

"Look at me Tommy." Now he was being harsh again. Talk about bipolar.

Tommy refused to turn around. He doesn't want to give in to Dream like he used to.

Like so many people have.

"...Tommy, listen to me, when I tell you to do something, you do it."

"Get away from me bitch."

A slap. Dream hit the back of his head, hard.

"Ow! Fucker."

Here he goes again.

"You need to learn, Tommy. I am a god, I am above you, I control whether you live or die."

Dream pulled on Tommy's hair. He yanked him back, Tommy not resisting.

He's not that dumb.

Dream walks around him so that the two are facing each other. 

"You are nothing. You are obsolete. You are a little boy. You are a toy and I am a player. You are worthless and I still bought you. You wouldn't have anything if not for me."

"Well, I'd have a happy life if you weren't around."

A punch to the jaw.

"Don't you talk back to me, Tommy, I don't play nice."

"Yeah, I know, we've been playing together since I was nine, Dream."

"What. Did I just. Say. Tommyinnit."

He shouldn't have done that.

Dream growled.

He shoved Tommy into a wall, so that he had nowhere to go.

Dream knelt on his legs so he couldn't kick, grabbed his wrists with his left hand, effectielt trapping him.

"When you disobey, when you rebel, when you think you are better than me, you get punished."

Each of his reasons was punctuated with a hit, with Dream occasionally switching which arm held him back. Tommy winced as Dream kept up the beating.

"You deserve everything I give you, Tommy."

He doesn't listen. He's too focused on the pain. The bruises that were sure to appear on his face, chest, arms, stomach. The two huge bruises already forming on his thighs where Dream knelt. 

Dream hadn't been allowed to trim his nails in prison, evidenced by the small cuts appearing every now and then.

Dream finally got up, and Tommy winced as the pain in his legs started to register.

"You're so weak. So compliant."

Tommy doesn't move out of fear.

"So... fun."

Dream tilted his chin up with his cold hand.

"I find it very interesting how you defy me, only to give in moments later."

He crept closer, 'til he was squatting by Tommy.

"You're a lab rat who never does the same thing twice, thus confusing your owner, your scientist. And that's what makes you so fun. You, in your unpredictability, are completely predictable, Tommyinnit."

Tommy stared into the lifeless mask.

"I think I'm going to kill you again. This time... I'm going to strangle you. I want to watch every single moment, I want to watch your face go purple as you struggle for a breath that won't come. You deserve to suffer."

Dream's hands slipped around his throat. They tighten ever so slightly. Count on Dream to make every death painful in its own way.

He gasps as his breathing starts to get restricted. His body jerks instinctively, hands going to pry Dream away even though he knows it's useless. The hands tighten again.

Dream chuckles, the maniacal bastard.

"You can't win, Tommy. You can't live, and I won't let you die. Ironic, huh?"

His vision is spotty, his need to breathe more urgent. He knows it's fruitless to even try, but he can't stop his body from jerking wildly.

Dream laughs at his futile attempts as he weakens by the second.

He can't see anymore, his lungs are screaming at him.

He feels Dream's hands squeezing tighter and tighter.

Tommyinnit was slain by Dream.

A/N hello

I love you all! (all of you) (even you) (especially you)

Please don't self harm or kill yourself

Bye Chat!

~Tanner/River/Your parent

Tommyinnit (mostly) angst oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now