Michael's Interlude

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Don't read this. This is the diary of Michael Underscore-Live.

Dear Diary,

Short Dad is very stressed out. Tall Dad says that Short Dad saw Uncle Tommy. That doesn't make sense, because they said Uncle Tommy was dead yesterday. Tall Dad says that Uncle Tommy was supposed to stay dead.

I don't think he did. Short Dad won't come out of his bedroom and I can hear crying. Tall Dad told me to stay with Uncle Foolish and he went to the bedroom.

Why would he cry if Uncle Tommy was alive?

I would be glad. I am glad. I want to see Uncle Tommy.


Dear Diary,

I don't like this. Something feels weird and nobody talks to me except Tall Dad and Short Dad. Tall Dad introduced me to Technoblade. He's creepy. Wherever I look, someone's watching me, I can feel it, and most of the time it's him.

He spoke to me in Piglin.

I slapped him in the leg and ran away. Tall Dad let me hide behind his legs.

Technoblade looked mad but he just grunted 'hit harder next time, Runt' in Piglin.

I have decided that I both like and dislike Technoblade.

I haven't seen Uncle Tommy since I snuck out three days ago. You wouldn't know that, because I keep forgetting to write in this. It's been a week since my first entry.


Dear Diary,

There's a man in a trench coat. His eyes are red and his hands are cold, and he sings a haunting song. He tells me, 'Michael, my nephew, we will do great things now that I am alive!' He tells me to help him. He says he wants to break Dream out of prison.

Everyone around me says that Dream has to stay in prison. That's majority, but no one answers me when I say 'Did I ever have an uncle with red eyes and a coat, and did you know he's back alive again?' They all just look away.

Tall Dad will take me aside and tell me to stop joking about serious things. He doesn't believe me when I say it's not a joke. I don't say stuff like that anymore because Short Dad will cry.

It's been three days since my last entry.


Dear Diary,

The weird red vines are everywhere. Creeper Sam is infected fully now. he's joined Punz, Bad, Ant, and all the other infected. I liked Creeper Sam. Sad. 

I don't know what to do. Tall Dad, Short Dad, and a number of others are all hiding in the same place. Even Dream, Wilbur (trench coat man), and Uncle Tommy. Everyone's agreed on a truce until the Egg is defeated.

I just don't want to be here. But at least Dad and Dad can't stop me from talking to Uncle Tommy. I'm not supposed to call him my uncle, but I don't care. I get to decide if he is part of my family, not Dad or Dad. They can alienate Uncle Tommy, but I won't.

It's been one month since my last entry.


Dear Diary,

I want Short Dad back. 

It's been two weeks since my last entry.


Dear Diary,

Tall Dad wasn't letting me see Uncle Tommy. I punched him in the ribs and went anyways.

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