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Trigger Warning: Tommy and Tubbo fighting

"I'm sorry, I got busy an-"



"No. You don't get to be sorry! You promised you'd come! Wilbur asked you in person, no chance of sabotage, like how you stole all the books so no one would get an invitation! You just couldn't get to Dream's before he did!"

"I can't have my people talking with the enemy!"

"When did I become the enemy, huh? When was that? When did you decide I was the bad guy? How dare you label me, like you know what goes on in my head?! Sure I'm acting like Wilbur did, because I'm in the same situation! I can't trust anyone!"

"You should've talked to me before burning George's house down!"

"This isn't about George!"

"You made it about him!"

"I didn't do anything! All I did was avenge Eret!"

"You hate Eret!"

"No I don't! Stop pretending you know me better than I do!"

"Stop making all the wrong decisions!"

"I've done nothing wrong!"

"See, this is what happens when you think with your emotions! I think with my brain, that's why I'm president!"

"You owe your presidency to me, I made you president!"

"Yeah, and that was the only good decision you've made since the first war!"

"I hate you, Tubbo!"

"I hate you too, Tommy, now get out of my country!"

"Just remember, Tubbo, it was my country first."


"You know what? They were right. It was never meant to be."

A/N I love you all! this chapter was fun to write, i just pretended to be Tommy and Tubbo, and typed what I said.

Please take care of yourselves, don't wear your binder for too long, take your meds, eat something, drink lots of water, try not to self harm, and if you need a breathing exercise, stand up, put your hands at your sides, flat out, then raise them slowly up above your head. while you do that, breathe in, keep them up there for a few seconds, then slowly go down, breathing out. Hold them still for a little bit, then repeat.

Please don't kill yourself.

Bye thank you for reading!

Tommyinnit (mostly) angst oneshotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz