(Poor Unfortunate Souls) Go Ahead, Make Your Choice

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trigger warning: implied capture, situation of a kidnapee, possessive behavior, sacrifice, death, minor panic/anxiety attack, mind controlled persons, guilt, nightmares from trauma, manipulative behavior, use of the nickname 'my lovely one' (not a ship), in case that triggers someone.

alternatively titled: Red, Crimson, and Scarlet

Sam, Puffy, Tubbo, Ranboo, Michael, Sapnap, Quackity and Fundy.

They all kneel, restrained by the Bloodvines. They're gagged as well, arms stretched out for maximum security. They stare at Tommy, confused and doubting. The Egg took no chances.

Tommy is knelt facing them. The Bloodvines lock his ankles, waist, and knees in place, although his arms are tied behind his back. One of the vines circles his neck, keeping his head upright, at any moment ready to squeeze. Not that it would. The Egg cared too much.

The voice which couldn't manipulate him, but he could still hear, wasn't shutting up.

The Egg's followers- how many were there?- paced around them, simultaneously menacing and lazy.

"Don't ignore me, Tommy," the Egg purred. "If you do, you'll never hear my terms, and can't release any of your friends.."

Tommy growled into his gag. 

"What the fuck do you want."

"Tommy, please have some manners. I have eight of your friends here, Tommy. Two leave unharmed, three are sacrificed, two are infected, and one will be your caretaker. Make your choices, my lovely one."

What. The. Fuck.

The Egg does remember that his friends can hear it, right?

"What does that mean?" Tommy asked.

"Well, you can choose which two leave without any foul play, which two I control and use as my followers, which three will be sacrificed to fulfill your and my needs, and which one will take care of you as needed. Have you made any decisions?"

He can't let anything bad happen to Michael. He'd have to leave at least one parent with him. Tubbo. He's on one life and he's smart enough to figure out a way to help.

That's one slot. For the 'followers', he'd need to choose people who would be less tricky to defeat if he escapes. Caretaker? He can come back to that.

Three of them are going to die. Not Fundy. He can't let Fundy die. Tommy thinks he might be able to handle it if Fundy was a follower. Fundy is crafty and smart, but since they are related, Tommy might be able to break through the control and save Fundy.

Two slots. Ranboo. He's so confused by his memory loss that he wouldn't trust the Egg every single time it resets. If Ranboo was a follower, Ranboo would solve his own problem. That's three slots down. Good choices when you consider the other four's capabilities.

He is going to have to let three people die.

His choices, Sapnap, Sam, Puffy, and Quackity.

Caretaker. One of them is going to 'take care of him'.

He doesn't have the same relationship with Sapnap as he does with the others.

Does he kill his friend, his mother, his father, or his brother?

He can't let his mother live without his father, his brother live without his mother, he can't have a broken family again.

Why would he have two parents after killing his brother?

He can't kill two of them without the third.

What the fuck is he supposed to do?

"I have my answers."

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