How much will it cost? One buck.

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To the person who suggested 'Wilbur and Tommy are brothers au', i am sorry but I can't figure out how to write it and I've struggled to the point of losing motivation several times, so, for the sake of my mental health, I will not be writing that one. I am really sorry, I didn't want to let you down.

To the person who suggested sickfic with Tommy, I'm sorry it's taking so long. I have a plot but the middle isn't filled. This may take a while though, and if it isn't out by Valentines Day I will probably not finish. That being said, we've got a while.

also 'I'm a man part 3' is currently nonexistent lol i have the plot but i am lazy and already have several drafts i have not finished

also I have figured it out. Tubbo does not want to be shipped, Tommy may not want to be shipped, and no NSFW stuff for either

I apologize for the inconvenience of this A/N.

This chapter was suggested by (stupid wattpad won't work) -ARSON1ST

thats their name because wattpad was making the tagging thing weird. anyways enjoy

Some would say Tommy was a protective individual. And he was. Tommy, to put it simply, was part deer. His eyes were slightly larger than usual, he was skinny, small, and fast. He was protective of people he deemed as 'his'. He had flickering deer ears, a fluffy deer tail which he manually situated over his pants, and two medium sized antlers above and behind his ears. They weren't fully grown because he wasn't an adult. Tommy was loud and aggressive, he didn't like it when others tried to take 'his' people away from him.

Of course, this was normal. A good amount of people were part animal like him. Fundy was part fox, Tubbo part bee, Phil part bird, and Techno part pig. 

Nobody knew what Ranboo was.

Tommy was very proud of himself. He got the cool antlers and stamina and speed and endurance, without the flightiness, the constant running from predators. Also his ears were very enhanced, although that made them quite sensitive. He wears specially made earmuffs which help filter noise to a bearable level. Because deer tommy wearing earmuffs is cuter than him wearing normal headphones please somebody make fanart and message me i need this to be a thing i want deer tommy to have earmuffs so bad

Anyways, Tommy was at school. He was finishing his last subject of the day, Policy Debate. I actually had to do one of these its literal torture

His debate team was planning on meeting up after school, discussing who would have which role, and what their plan was. They were also going to start gathering evidence.

As class ended, his team met up at one of their houses.

There, they introduced themselves. Oh fuck. Tiger hybrid Tony was here.

"Oh look! We've got the deer on our team!" He crowed.

Tommy flinched.

"Don't make us lose, Little Fawn." He threatened.

"Don't call me that!" Tommy yelled. Only Phil could call him Little Fawn.

"Aww, so sensitive! Did I hurt the tiny doe's feelings?"

"I am a buck, not a doe! There's a difference!"

"Jeez, take a joke! You can leave, I don't want such a sensitive weakling on my team. You have to be strong in a policy debate."


Tommy burst out of the house. Tears ran down his face, eyes blazing with fury. He ran home with the speed of a worried buck, searching for his protected. Tommy slammed the door open to his house.

"Phil! Techno! Tubbo! Wilbur!"

At his calls, his family rushed to him.

"Tommy what do you need?"

"Are you crying?"

"Who did this?"

"I'm going to kill someone!"

They were okay. He'd thought the bully had gotten to them.

Thank goodness.

Phil ushered them into the living room, the routine for if Tommy was this worried. He sat on one side of the couch, Techno took the other, and Tubbo and Wilbur sat in between. Reassured, Tommy lay across their laps. Phil played with his antlers as Wilbur removed his earmuffs, to start singing an old lullaby. Tubbo and Techno hugged his waist and legs, comfortingly spreading warmth. They were safe.

His Bucks were safe. 

Tommy smiled.

A/N wow i thought this would be easier to write

well here it is!

I love you all

Take care of yourselves, and if you can't do that, try to take care of someone/something else. Please don't self harm or kill yourself.

oh and check out Unfinished, my reader interactive book.

If you want to be adopted by me, just say so. I already have one child and someone considering. The one child I am co-parents with another person. But you don't need a second volunteer! you can be my child, just ask!

Bye Shitwads! (make suggestions to change the name)

~Author/name to be decided

Tommyinnit (mostly) angst oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now