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Amelia's POV:

I wipe my tears away with as much dignity as possible. My bottom lip still quivers, emotions running rampant still.

I didn't mean to cry. I didn't want to cry in front of him.

I exhale heavily, letting all my emotions rush out as I clean off the last of my tears and sit back, waiting for Atlas.

It is such a balancing act, working between being the dominant, but also submitting to my husband.

I know I haven't collared him yet, so technically we aren't anything, but that is not important in this matter.

I hadn't wanted to wait in the car while Atlas spoke to the landlord, but I wasn't up to argue and I think he knew that.

I check my phone for the time again, growing impatient. It isn't that I don't like waiting, it's that I don't like him here, especially, alone.

I want to just leave this place and never turn back.

Atlas appears out the front door and I breath a sigh of relief. He fumbles with my car keys for a moment before joining me.

"Everything good?"

"Yes, Mistress. Thank you..." I nod, resting my head on my hand. I just want to go home, but I also just want to get his collar already. "Mistress, are you upset I had you wait in the car?"

I look over at him, taking notice of his fidgeting as he swipes the sweat of his palms on his pants.

"No... I respect your authority as a husband." I try not to sound begrudging. I find it hardly fair that male dominants can have all the authority, but I have to share mine with my husband even though he is the submissive.

My faith is true though and I do believe God's word is not meant to restrain or punish us, but to guide us.

I may be the dominant, but I am still called to submit to my husband and I will.

I look over at Atlas, finding it odd he hasn't started the car, let alone said anything.

"My authority as a husband..." he repeats thoughtful, seeming to ponder it. "Not many mistresses still have that belief..."

"God's will hasn't changed, just social norms and that isn't an excuse..."

"No, no it isn't... so you do think I have a God given authority over you?" Atlas inquires respectfully, finally pulling out and starting to drive.

It's kind of odd having this conversation. I didn't think I would have to explain this sort of thing. I figured it may just be unspoken between me and my submissive.


"...That's why you didn't argue when I wanted you to stay in the car?"

That and I was too embarrassed and crying to argue with him.

"I think you have authority when it comes to my or our family's wellbeing or relationship..."

"What about major decisions?"

I huff softly, always averse to giving up control. I don't want to. Isn't he uncomfortable with assuming a position of authority as a submissive? Because I'm uncomfortable with being submissive to him as his mistress.

"I suppose it's just up to your interpretation..." Having to give up that control isn't easy and it doesn't feel good. I don't want to do it, I don't want to think about it.

He's never going to respect me, never. He knows he can just walk all over me, override any decision I make.

I don't understand why this has to be so difficult because this is going to become a problem.

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