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Amelia's POV:

Atlas hums in approval, shoving his sandwich into his mouth. Eden watches on with uncertainty, clearly catching onto how starved he is.

Playing with her apron, she drifts towards the bread. I nod, giving my permission for Eden to make another sandwich for Atlas.

When she places it onto his plate, his eyes light up in delight. Without even finishing the other sandwich in his hand, he picks up the other one and starts to eat it.

"Thank you, Mistress," he breathes out again.

I reach over to pet his hair, earning a beautiful smile.

"Ede... time to eat. Come sit," Toby commands, taking a seat next to me, patting his leg expectantly.

Eden whines softly, glancing to Atlas.

"He's fine. You need to eat. I'll make him another sandwich if he's still hungry," I assure her.

Atlas pauses at this, cheeks full of food.

"...I...I can make myself a sandwich, Mistress." I continue to pet his hair, not saying anything.

I don't cook, but I can make a sandwich.

"Good girl, Ede," Toby praises, keeping one arm looped around her waist to keep her from squirming away.

Eden huffs softly, wriggling around in Toby's lap, trying to get comfy. She looks over me with chipmunk cheeks, giving me a pouty face as Toby makes her eat more.

Eden really is a Little at heart, save for her desire to serve really. She has an endearing personality and is fun to take care of, she would be a good Little.

"Did you talk to Daddy about a dominant?" I ask Eden, knowing she is eligible for a dom, us both being the same age.

Atlas glances over at us, but remains quiet, finishing his lunch.

"Mmm... he said something about it yesterday. Mom isn't sure what she wants to do with me. Daddy wouldn't mind getting a good sale price for me, but you know Momma doesn't believe in all that."

"Yeah... well, Uncle Ethan didn't pay for Aunty Birdie and he treats her well, so I don't think a sale price is a good measure for how well a dominant will treat their submissive. How much I pay for my girl won't influence how I treat her," Toby rationalizes.

Eden nods and huffs quietly, laying her head against Toby's chest. "What's wrong, Ede?" I can sense she is upset about something.

She shrugs, but me and Toby aren't sold. She averts her gaze, squirming more and more before she can't take it anymore.

"Daddy wants me to get a dominant soon."

"...Soon like?"

She shrugs, "He wants me to start seeing some people... I don't know though."

"You don't know because you don't want a dominant yet, or..." Toby asks.

"I like taking care of you and Toby and I know you have Atlas to take care of you now, but if I have a dominant, who is going to take care of Toby?" Eden mumbles.

"You shouldn't be thinking about us, you should be thinking about yourself and what you need, which is a dominant to take care of. Toby can get a sub too, so you most certainly don't need to worry about him, Ede. He wants you to be happy and be taken care of," I point out.

"You want me to start... meeting some doms?" Me and Toby don't respond, not exactly agreeing with that idea either.

I don't want her meeting just anyone and I'm sure Toby is on the same page. Me and Toby want the best for her. We want a good dominant for Eden.

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