Pamphlets and Protocol

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Atlas's POV:

I flip the pamphlet over in my hand, not daring to open it up yet. I look around, scared someone might see me. I know it is silly, but I am embarrassed about being in the scholarship auction. The only people I know of that are in it are in coming freshman next year and current first year students, definitely no graduates like me.

I feel dirty looking through the pamphlet. I know dominants are supposed to have these to look at any submissives they may want to bid on, not for submissives like myself.

Once I find a relatively uncrowded hallway, I rip it open, scanning the profiles. There are forty two students in all... that is a lot. Thirty eight are incoming freshman, two current freshman years and the others are second years... I am the only graduate student.

The financial aid officer was right when she said my commitment price would be a lot lower. Many students, especially in the same field have commitment prices reaching into six digits, that is not even counting our bidding price.

Out of all the students, only six of us are males. It is somewhat in the ballpark of statistically how many male submissives are in the population, but the low numbers may mean potential mistresses may not waste their time coming with such low selection.

Footsteps echo down the hall and I quickly shove the pamphlet into my pocket, turning to see the woman I know to be one of the event organizers. "Atlas! You're early!" I blush at her enthusiasm, slightly discomforted as she loops her arm through mine, dragging me towards the event center's kitchen.

I don't expect it to be as busy as it is, but I guess me and the other submissives in the auction are all anxious to start on the meals we will be serving to our guests tonight. I already sent in my ingredient list for the school to get together.

I spent many hours pouring over recipes and cook books, trying to find the perfect meal to serve. I honestly should have been working instead of looking at recipes, but it is all or nothing right now.

I lost my job at the bar, but I probably would have had to quit working there anyways. Dominants can be very protective of their property and my mistress would probably not appreciate me having to parade around with drinks in my underwear.

I still have my other jobs, but called in and asked for a day off to get everything ready. I need the money, but I am at the point where I either get sold and they pay off my debt, or I don't and I drop out and work it off with my parents.

I am allowed to set aside my slacks and dress shirt I brought for the event tonight before I am left to prepare. I pull out the steak I asked for them to order, putting together the spices and oils directed.

I feel nauseous as I marinate the steak, questioning now if a steak is too basic and everyone else is going to be making a steak.

I glance around the kitchen, relived when I see most of the other submissives have kept to fish or chicken.

Oh no!

I was never given information about the guest's diets or anything. What if they are vegetarians? Vegans? Pescatarians?

I might have just screwed myself here with a steak.

It is too late to change though. I have to keep going. I leave the steak to marinate, going to set up my table. As I was explained to earlier, it is my duty to set up and arrange my table for the guests I will be serving tonight.

I know not everyone attending the auction tonight is here looking for a submissive. Apparently many people sign up just for the dinner to raise money for the school. Perhaps my table will just be alumni looking to give back to the school?

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