Sure as Sure

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Amelia's POV:

Eden yanks on my arm as I watch Atlas leave. "Oh my gosh, Amelia! He's really cute. You like him." I open and close my mouth, a blush reaching my cheeks.

I do like him, but she didn't need to declare it to Mom and Dad. "He seems very nice," Mom agrees, her and Dad sharing a look.

I giggle with Eden, unable to fight off the girly bashfulness inside me.

"He likes you too," Toby murmurs and me and Eden just giggle more. I look over my shoulder to see where Atlas had disappeared off to.

I like him, like really like him. Like... something just seemed right.

Father already has the auction pamphlet out, looking up Atlas. Mom keeps her eye out to make sure he doesn't come back and see us snooping about him.

It isn't really snooping, but still.

Father hums and closes up the pamphlet. "What?" I ask my dad, wondering if that is a good sign or a bad one.

"I just remembered you had asked him about his residency... I was wondering how you knew..." I blush, realizing that I have somewhat outed myself.

"Okay, so I got a pamphlet from school yesterday and may or may not have thought he was cute..." Toby chuckles and I shoot him a glare.

"He's older than you... is that something that is fine with you?" Father inquires, taking a sip of his wine.

"I-I mean it doesn't bug me if that's what you're asking. What do you think? Do you think he would be good?" I rush out, eager to know what they all think.

"Oh I think he'd just be wonderful, Amelia! He is so respectful, even to me. He must know I am a submissive and still calls me Miss or Ma'am," Eden gushes.

"He seems like he would be a very devoted submissive. You know he would not be like Eden though... he is graduating in a week or two. He plans to be a doctor," Dad points out, Mom nods in agreement.

I am very aware of his aspirations. "I think it would be nice. I don't mind that he would make more than me or anything. He could help me with my homework and such and provide as well."

Father hums, playing with his glass of wine. "I think it's very mature of you to allow your submissive's career to precede your own, Amelia..."

Many dominants would never take in a submissive who was a doctor, their submissive making more money than them. In my case, my submissive's career would precede mine directly, me studying to be a nurse. It doesn't bug me as much as some people think it should though.

"Do you think I should try to give him a bidding sticker?" It may be a little early in the night, but I wouldn't have to bid if I changed my mind.

Father chuckles, finding my eagerness amusing. "Wait for the boy to serve dinner at least. What if he's a horrible cook?" I grimace.

"I do want a submissive to help Eden with such things," I admit. I will wait. It is important to me that my submissive can cook.

I am sure with all his protocol training that he was taught to cook, but perhaps that part of training was overlooked.

"Oh, Amelia. Don't worry about me. I like to cook!" I smile at my twin, leaning over to peck her head.

"I know, but I would very much like to see my submissive in the kitchen with you, Eden." Toby hums in agreement, us both sharing the same desires.

Atlas returns with another submissive to bring us our food. I sit up taller as he approaches, anxious to taste his cooking. The smell wafts towards us and I find my mouth salivating.

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