All The Way

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Atlas's POV:

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes," I hiss, flexing my hand in an attempt to keep myself from touching her head and taking control.

This is probably the longest blowjob that has ever happened, but I don't care. Mistress may have taken a while to learn what feels good, but I never really thought my mistress would be willing to blow me for my pleasure.

The blowjob on the rocks, surprised me for sure, just because of the timing, it obviously wasn't for my pleasure but for hers. This though, a real blowjob, was a pleasant surprise.

I hiss and moan for her in encouragement, able to tell how insecure she feels about this. It may have started off rocky, but I want her to feel good about it so she'll consider doing it again sometime.

One of her hands slides back to grab one of my cheeks and I gasp in surprise, flinching as she gets creative and digs her nails in.

She smiles around me, continuing her ministrations as I fight myself from grabbing her head and taking control.


Just a little more.

She answers my unspoken prayers, gently tugging my testicals and it's all over for me.

"Mistress, I'm going to—"

I let out an inhuman growl, finally giving in and grabbing the back of her neck to hold her still.

It feels like the longest orgasm of my life and I can do nothing but pant and shudder once she's done.

She only waits a moment after I've finished to pull away. My cum must not taste good because she tries to hide a face being the back of her hand as she wipes her mouth.

"I did it," Mistress chimes proudly, so very proud of herself.

I unlatch my other arms and legs, sensing our scene is over.

I pick my beloved Amelia off the floor and set her on my hip, wrapping her tightly in my arms.

She smiles and lays her head on my chest, reaching to gently massage her jaw, a grin still on her face.

I kiss her, uncaring where her mouth was.

Taking her to the bed, I set her on her back, carefully climbing over her.

She's fully clothed, but I can't repay the favor with her like that.

Women like things much different than men and I'm thankful for the academy for once for teaching me how to proceed with pleasuring my mistress.

An uneducated submissive might simply go for her pants, getting right to business.

I know that women need a lot more that stimulation to orgasm though.

Her hands run down my bare back, feeling me up as I slowly trail kisses down her neck. She lets out a soft moan and I take that as permission to continue.

She wore the training suit I love so much, the one with the top zipper down the front.

Taking the zipper between my teeth, I make eye contract with her, crawling back on the bed to unzip her.

I thought I would be the one teasing her by doing this, but the further I unzip, the more obvious it becomes that she isn't wearing a bra.

Her breasts spill from the opening of her shirt and I'm tempted to take her top off all the way.

Mistress is more shy than me though. I wasn't allowed to wear much clothing during training at the academy, but no one ever forces dominants to show themselves off. I don't want to make her uncomfortable by taking her clothes off, so I'll leave her top on for now.

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