The Best

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Amelia's POV:

Mother emits a sigh, leaning on the bathroom door as she watches me brush my teeth for bed.

I don't want to talk to her right now. I know this whole thing with the scholarship auction is because of her, Dad knows this is just how it is.

"Amelia..." I glance at her in the mirror, going back to ignoring her after a second. I wash out my mouth, putting my toothbrush away before I finally turn to her.

She may be stronger emotionally than Eden, but she is still a submissive, a gentle soul.

"I don't want to talk, Mom," I whisper, trying to get past her.

"Amelia, please?" Mom begs, grasping onto my shoulders to make me stop. I let my eyes drift to hers, my angry exterior starting to melt away at her touch.

I should have known her touch, a submissives touch, would calm me down, dose my anger. A part of me still wants to be mad, but it's hard to be mad at her.

"I know you want to talk, but there isn't really much to say, Mom, is there?" Me and her stare each other down for a moment.

"There is plenty to say, Amelia. I'm sorry we hid things from you. We were wrong to do so and should have come to you and explained our decision."

I roll my eyes, my patience wearing thin for the day.

"Okay, Mom. Thanks."


"What else do you want from me? I'm sorry I'm not like Eden!"

"We don't want you to be like Eden, Amelia."

"You can fucking lie to Eden's face, but you can't lie to mine. You can pretend that you and Dad were equal in this whole decision too when in reality, it was just you," I explode.

"Me and your father don't see eye to eye on many things, but he knows I feel very strongly about this and respects that, Amelia."

"What's your problem?"

"My problem? Nothing is my problem, Amelia. I don't thinking purchasing people is something this family should be supporting—"

"So what does that mean for me and Toby then, huh? Did you ever for once think about that? I can guarantee you that Toby is just as pissed, just as worried about how he is going to get a submissive if you don't let us buy one. Do you think they just fall out of the fucking sky?

"Do you think the earth is just full of Edens, perfect little submissives to just be handed out? It's supply and demand and just because you hate it doesn't mean me and Toby have to settle for some 'no classification' from over seas who doesn't know shit about a sale price!"


"Don't 'Amelia' me!" I turn to stomp off to my room, pausing as I see Toby leaned against the hallway wall, having been watching me and Mom fight.

He glances at Mom before looking down at me. He doesn't say anything, but I know he and I are in the same boat.

Eden's sitting on my bed, tears pouring down her cheeks. Guilt fills me as I realize that I should have been watching my volume. Eden doesn't like loud noises and she is surely upset by what was said.

"I'm not perfect," Eden whimpers as me and Toby crawl into bed with her.

"Yes you are," Toby tells her, tucking her in and spooning her. I shut off the lights and lay down, reaching out to hold Eden's hand. She caresses the back of my hand, soothing me and Toby with her touch as me and Toby try to console her.

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