Power Play

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Atlas's POV:

I stare up at the ceiling, watching as darkness slowly turns into daylight.

Mistress slumbers peacefully, her face pressed up against my chest.

My body still aches from my punishment, but I know Mistress had been kind since I technically did run away and she could have given me much worse.

The heating pad under me for my back has long lost its heat, but I don't want to move and wake Mistress.

Reality seems unreal at this moment. Today was supposed to be amazing, exciting... I only feel empty.

My graduation was just supposed to be the beginning, but now it truly marks the end.

Mistress said I can still test for my medical license, but will I even be able to get a job after? Who is gonna want a submissive as a doctor?

When I started, I knew it would be tough to get a job as a submissive, but now I see how dominants make it impossible.

I know Mistress said it was gonna be okay, but I just don't see how.

I suppose I should look on the bright side, Mistress now doesn't have to worry about my career preceding her own and now I can stay home and be the submissive I was always trained to be.

Mistress hums softly in her sleep, rubbing her legs against mine as she settles down again.

"Mistress... I'm gonna get up..." I whisper softly and she lets out a soft sigh before eventually nodding, releasing me from her hold.

I peck her head, carefully tucking her back into bed.

"Love... you," she breathes out tiredly and I kiss her again.

"I love you too, Mistress."

I wince as I hobble down the stairs. Every muscle in my body aches from how long she made me hold forms for punishment.

The ache usually would turn me on, but today I just feel too sad.

Pleasing Mistress with a nice breakfast to start off her day will put me in a better mood though.

Eden has been doing a majority of the cooking around here and she isn't as territorial with me now than she had been at first.

I make breakfast for everyone, knowing it will keep my mind from wandering.

Mr. Astor comes down the stairs, seeming surprised to see me. He doesn't say anything but "good morning" before going about readying his submissive and Eden for the graduation ceremony today.

Everyone must feel my mood because they don't question me much, leaving me to cook. Eden checks in once, but doesn't ask anything, just leaving a kiss on my cheek.

"Atlas?" Mistress questions, coming downstairs in her pajamas.

I look up, pausing my cooking as she comes in, rubbing her eyes.

"Morning, Mistress. The muffins are almost done. Would you like me to make you coffee?"

She just lets out a soft hum, shuffling into my arms. I slump a bit once she has her arms around me.

I may be bigger than her, but she is my mistress and I need the comfort of my dominant.

"You shouldn't be serving this morning, today is your day," Mistress says gently, caressing my back.

I don't reply, simply hugging her tighter.

It doesn't feel like my day.

Maybe I'm being immature sulking like this, but it feels like a chore to put on a happy face.

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