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Amelia's POV:

The garage door closes signaling Atlas is home for his residency and I can't help but sprint to the back door to share my excitement.

"Finals is over!" I exclaim in glee, jumping onto him to steal a kiss the second he is in the door.

It's a wonderful Friday afternoon, the last day of finals, both of us officially done now.

When Atlas doesn't return my kiss I pull back, my brows furrowing as I examine him more closely.

His hair is all ruffled up and his eyes puffy as if he'd been crying.

"Atlas? Atlas, what's wrong?" I demand in concern, cupping his cheek.

He purses his lips and holds a crumpled up piece of paper in front of me, more tears gathering in his eyes.

Did he not pass his finals?

Marin Southern State Hospital
May 2nd


We regret to inform you that your employment has been terminated with the Marin Southern State Hospital.

In order to make room for the upcoming class of residents this summer, we have had to dismiss current residents who we feel do not have as much potential.

We appreciate your service and thank you for understanding our decision.

Your last paycheck will be direct deposited and we ask that you turn in your hospital badge and access card by the end of next week.

-Marina Southern State Hospital Management

"Oh my God," I breathe out in disbelief, reading and re-reading the letter again and again.

I cup my hand over my mouth, hiding a sob as it breaks through.

"I'm gonna go shower..." Atlas says quietly and I just nod, allowing him to pass me as I still process it.

Fired. Atlas was fired.

I cried. I cried my eyes out.

The Friday before he walked at graduation was not the time for him to receive this letter. This was supposed to be one of the best moments of his life, a time to celebrate all his hard work and accomplishments.


What the hell did they even mean 'dismiss current residents who we do not have as much potential'?

No one wanted this more than Atlas. No one worked harder or longer than Atlas for this. No one deserved this more than him.

I didn't know what to do, so I went to the one person who could fix this if there ever was fixing it.

"Daddy," I sobbed, tossing the blasted letter into his lap.

"Amelia. Amelia, what's wrong?" He pulls me into his chest, allowing me to cling to him as he reads and re-reads the letter.

"How could they do this?" I sob.

This couldn't be my fault, could it? I didn't do anything crazy. I didn't even ask for them to change his hours, nothing like that.

"I-I don't know. Does Atlas know?"

I nod, allowing my tears to cascade down my cheeks freely.

There would be nothing that would ever make this up to him if I'm the reason this happened.

"They can't do that! They simply can't do it! It's not fair!" Never in my life have I wanted to punch something more.

"I know, Amelia. I'm... sorry. I don't know what to say," Dad says remorsefully, petting my head.

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