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Atlas's POV:

"Why are you curious about all this, Mistress?" I questions hesitantly, making Mistress pause.

I massage her shoulder, trying to distract her from whatever it is that upset her.

"Atlas... I... Do you like being a submissive?" Mistress questions finally, making my brows furrow.

"Mistress, being your submissive is the biggest joy in my life. Forgive me, Mistress for ever making you doubt it. What has gotten you so worried, my beloved?"

"Atlas, I... Do you remember taking your finale role test?"

"Like to be classified as a submissive? Am I... not submissive enough, Mistress?"

Does Mistress think I've been ill behaving? Last night was with her consent and her encouragement. I would have never topped her without both of those from her.

"No, Atlas. I was just..." Mistress sighs, petting my chest. "I was just curious. That's all. You're the best submissive I could have ever asked for, love. I just didn't know how your experience was.

"I remember mine was really easy. I didn't know if the submissives was as easy. I was out within ten minutes maybe."

I nod, still having the sinking feeling in my stomach that my beloved isn't as pleased with me as she says.

"My test was okay. Mine took about an hour, it was actually quite hard actually. I was at the training academy, so my protocol training was fresh then, but they obviously don't test you for those sorts of things.

"I don't remember the details of anything really. I remember having to answer a lot of strange questions about what I liked or enjoyed, or what I would prefer, a this or that sort of thing," I admit.

Mistress hums softly, caressing my arms.

"Like... if you would like to be the one to initiate affection, or receive it?" Mistress asks and I nod.

"Yea, like that. I suppose it was kind of hard because I knew what I was supposed to say in some situations, but if I really thought about it, I didn't feel that way.

"Like, I love receiving blind affection from you, Mistress, but I also love to just come by and kiss you all the time too," I admit with a soft blush, feeling bashful about my omission for some reason.

Mistress nods, kissing my chin.

"If you could be a dominant, would you?" Mistress questions strangely.

It's an odd questions, but Mistress sometimes asks me odd things.

"I don't know," I admit, caressing her arms. "It would make my career a lot easier. My mother would be a lot prouder to have a dominant son. She wouldn't be embarrassed for sure about me being a doctor...

"Unless you were my submissive though, Mistress... I can't really imagine my life as a dominant. Falling asleep next to you has started to become the only thing I can day dream about.

"I don't think any other woman would make my heart pound like you. You make me laugh and give me so many joys in my life. I can't imagine not having you. So... in an odd way, yes, I could see myself liking to be a dominant, but in others, no.

"If I could just be a dominant from 9-5 that would be my dream, I suppose. I think even if I was a dominant, you'd still make me weak in the knees, like putty for your affection, Mistress," I assure her, drawing a smile from her.

"I think sometimes that you could be a dominant," Mistress teases softly and I shrug.

"I suppose I can pretend well when necessary. No one would take me seriously if I acted like a submissive."

Mistress nods, tapping her fingers along my arm thoughtfully.

I press my lips to her neck, drawing a precious moan from her as I snap her out of her thoughts.

"Will you make love to me tonight?" Mistress question softly, stroking my jaw.

"Make love to you? Of course, beloved. Anything for you. Anything for my sweet mistress."


Mistress paces in front of our bed in her new scrubs.

"You're going to do amazing, Mistress," I comfort, bringing in her packed lunch and some snacks.

"Yes, and you have a your chores and your study books. You're going to study till I get home—"

"Yes, Mistress. Everything will be prepared for your return home. You're going to do fantastic," I assure her, silencing her worry with a gentle kiss.

"You're such a good boy and I love you," Mistress continues, fussing with my collar as she delays her departure.

"I love you too, Mistress. Come, you're going to be late," I instruct gently, seeing her reluctance to leave. She squeezes my hand tightly as I walk her downstairs.

"Do you want me to call you on my break? I can call you at lunch, check in, make sure you're not too bored—"

"He's going to be fine, Amelia. I'm watching him and Eden today. Have a good day at work," Toby dismisses from the living room sofa, helping relieve Mistress of her worry.

"Alright, alright... be good," Mistress says finally and I nod, handing her things to her.

With a final peck goodbye, she rushes out the door to the car.

As I stand at the back door, hearing the car roar to life, I can't help but think of myself and how it would usually be me that would be heading off to work etc.

My disappointment for the situation doesn't take away for my joy for her, but the pain of being fired is still sharp.

"Chore one on your list is to make the bed," Toby's calm voice echos from behind me as he skims over what seems to be a second list of my chores that Mistress gave to him.

I turn to face the dominant, surprised at his words.

Toby rarely commands Eden around and even more rarely me. I suppose that wasn't a command really though.

"Yes, Sir... Shall I go do that now?" I question in confusion, his direction strange since he never before as asserted authority over me before.

"Mmm I think so... busy, busy, busy," Toby murmurs to himself, turning back to his book.

"Yes, Sir."

"Got to keep him busy," Toby sighs softly under his breath as I pass.

I'm not sure if I was meant to hear that, but it makes me start to question if perhaps Mistress had charged him with keeping me busy, knowing the hole I'd sink into if left with my own thoughts.

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