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Amelia's POV:

Atlas shuffles beside me, head down, hands stuffed in his pockets.

"Atlas?" His head shoots up and we both turn, pausing on our way.

"Hello, Sir." Atlas's greeting is tense, but he's been tense the whole time, he doesn't want to be here.

"What are you doing here? Your supervisor said you weren't working today," the older man says, setting aside a clip board at a small receptionist desk. The man's eyes catch something and he does a double take. "You're collared?"

I turn to Atlas in question, wondering why that is so surprising. Has Atlas not been wearing his collar to work?

I get my answer because Atlas very purposefully avoids my gaze.

"This is my mistress," Atlas explains timidly, gesturing to me.

"Oh my. Well, it's very nice to meet you..."

"Amelia," I fill in and be smiles. "Are you one of Atlas's supervising doctors?" The man seems kind, but he could be putting up a face because I am Atlas's mistress.

"Oh no. I have seen Atlas at work though a few times. A very hard worker. Very brilliant," the man says kindly, making Atlas blush.

"Thank you—Would you happen to know if there are any staff I can talk to in concerns to about his employment details and schedule?" I inquire. I know it's a Saturday morning, but I can't see there being no one working administrative duties on the weekend.

Someone has to be around to keep things going encase staff doesn't come in etc.

"Ah yes. I can take you over there. Wanting more time with him all to yourself? I can sympathize, my poor submissive when I first got her could barely get out of my sight when I was home the first month," the man grins kindly.

I smile and nod in agreement, glad he doesn't think I'm being overbearing.

Atlas drags his feet behind us as we talk as if I was conducting his own personal death march.

The man kindly shows me the way, leaving me and Atlas once we arrive.

"Do you want to come in with me?" I inquire, unable to tell what would be best for him. He shakes his head.

"No thank you, Mistress."

I contemplate brining up how he had been hiding that fact, that he had a mistress, but I don't. I know he didn't because he was worried about how his job would take it.

Leaving him outside, I head into the office. It's quiet, but there are two people there to receive me.

"Morning, I am Atlas's mistress. He is doing a residency here. I know there is some paperwork and such I need to fill out," I continue, giving the staff a smile.

They are plenty amicable to me, inviting me in to sit while they pull up his employee file.

I am able to transfer his employment paperwork to my name easily. They go to change the name on his payroll checks to my name, but I think again, deciding to have them leave it.

Atlas is the one who earned it after all. It will all be my money anyways, but I think it will mean more to him if it's made out in his name.

"You said there was an issue with the schedule?" The human resource employee asks, making me hesitate.

I know Atlas really doesn't want me to say anything. He thinks it will jeopardize his job and that makes me nervous to speak up.

They are working him too hard though, harder even than his dominant counterparts.

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