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Thank you everyone who left a review on "10,000 Miles" I appreciate it so much! Enjoy your second bonus chapter!

Atlas's POV:

Toby chuckles, grabbing the back of my neck and pushing my head back down on the mattress. I hold my breath, too afraid to move for a moment. "You move around a lot."

"Sorry, Sir..."

Toby pats my head in silent acceptance of my apology.

It's hard to tell if he is more intimidating or if my mistress is.

Eden caresses my arm and I subtly shift away, only to have her move closer to me. She sighs loudly, leaning her forehead against my back, pressing her chest against me as she wraps around my body.

"You cold, Ede?" Toby asks, leaning over me to tuck in his sister more.

I shift away discretely, trying to create space between me and Eden.

I know she doesn't mean any harm, but I don't want mistress to think I am being unfaithful, with her sister of all women.

"You don't have any siblings, do you?" Toby asks me, patting my head again.

I remain silent for a moment, trying to think why he is asking me this. "No, Sir."

Eden sits up and kisses my cheek and I flinch, making us both pause. All three of us remain silent for a moment, frozen in place.

I contemplate pretending it didn't happen, but I don't think they'd let me even if I did.

"I don't think Mistress would be okay... with you touching me..." I explain quietly. Mistress is very protective of me and she doesn't like it when others touch me.

Mother never approved of cuddling either because it's a form of coddling and she didn't approve of coddling me.

"Amelia got you so that I could cuddle you though..." Eden pouts, sitting up to look at her brother.

Toby's bedroom door opens and Mistress comes in with a sigh.

"Okay, Atlas." I sit up, getting out of bed to follow after her wherever she wants.

"Actually, Amelia..." Mistress pauses, turning to her brother. "Atlas doesn't have any siblings... He's not sure how you feel about cuddling like we do... especially, with Eden."

"Cuddling with Eden?" I shrink away as Mistress turns to me for an explanation. "Come here, Atlas."

Mistress pats the bed beside Eden where Toby had been having me lay. I don't wait for a spoken command, following her direction.

"Does it make you uncomfortable to cuddle with Toby because he's a boy too?" Mistress asks me, having me put my head on Toby's lap.

I nod softly and she smoothes my hair back from my forehead, sitting beside her brother.

Him being a boy is part of it, but I know my training is bad enough. I don't want to be a bad submissive. I don't want Mistress to think I need to be coddled.

"I won't force you to cuddle with him, but I think it's important that you allow him to comfort you.

"There are times when I can't, or I'm not around and I need to know that you'll allow Toby, or Eden, or my parents to comfort you.

"I also need to know that you'll help calm down Toby and Eden when they need it. It's not good for either parties to not have support.

"Is it okay with you if he pets you? Is that alright, Atlas? You can say no," Mistress says.

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