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Atlas's POV:

"Daddy!" I turn, nearly being knocked over by my son.

"Oh my goodness! Hey, buddy! Did you come to see me and mommy?" Squeals of joy leave him as I scoop him into my arms, not even waiting for a reply.

"Grandma dropped me off!" He finally supplies, playing with my stethoscope.

"How nice of her. I'm so happy to see you. I missed you so much today," I tell him, taking him back to my office so I can finish my paperwork and let him play in my office.

"Daddy, who do you have there?" Amelia asks from behind me, closing the patient room door behind her.

"Hi, Mommy," our son blushes, looking up at her through batted lashes.

"Hi, Baby. How was daycare? Did you and grandma have fun at the library?" Amelia asks, drawing an eager nod from our blushing son.

I let our son down, opening my office so he can pull out his toys and settle down. Amelia says nothing as she lays her head on my arm, watching our son for a moment.

"We make the cutest submissives," she teases, leaning to peck my check.

I chuckle, looking down at my adoring mistress.

"Yes, we do," I agree.

"Well, Doctor. I should get back to work. Dr. Hartman needs me. How's your nurse?" she questions carefully, obviously fishing.

With her obviously not being able to work under me due to conflict of interest, I have a different nurse under me while she assists Dr. Hartman. It has been so good for us to be in the same office together.

This atmosphere has been so much healthier for her than the hospital, but I know she wishes she could be my nurse even though she knows we can't.

"Good, not a good as you of course though, Dearest. Maybe we can play doctor again though today after work," I tease, earning a playful slap to my arm.

"Goodbye, Doctor Atlas. I'll see you after work," Mistress promises, kissing me and giving our son one last glance before heading back to work.

I close my office door behind me, taking a seat at my desk.

My son turns at my presence, immediately lifting his arms to be held.

I grin as I bring my son to my chest, cuddling up to him as I start my paperwork. The only thing that would make this moment better would be if Mistress were here with us, but I know she'll join us as soon as she can.

"Daddy, are we cooking mommy dinner again tonight?"

"I hope so. Mistress loves when we cook for her. Don't you want to practice setting the table for a mistress?" I suggest and he blushes and nods, reaching to toy with the play stethoscope mistress bought for him.

"Can we run mommy another bath tonight?" he asks again.

"Mmm, I think mommy wanted to give you a bath. If you want to though I'm sure she'd let you help her get it ready as long as we don't put too many bubble in like last time," I warn, trying not to chuckle as I remember the disaster we created from him pouring in almost half the bottle of bubble bath.

"Mommy was not happy," he agrees.

"No, she was not," I chuckle, running my hand over his sandy blonde hair.

Happy and content to be back from daycare, my son curls up in my lap, happy to take a little nap as me and Amelia finish up our work day.

I stressed so much about how having children would be when I worked so much and Mistress was in school, but everything worked out just perfectly.

My office door opens and closes softly and my eyes snap open, making me realize I had nearly dozed off myself.

"Hi, Baby. You almost done?" Mistress asks, making me look I've at the time.

I frown, realizing I didn't get nearly as much done as I wanted to. My nurse assistant can help me tomorrow since she went home early today.

"Let's go home, Dearest," I agree, standing with our sleeping son in my arms.

Mistress hums, gently taking the car keys from me, letting me get our son in the car before she drives us all home.

The car is quiet, but it's a peaceful quiet.

Our home is just as quiet, letting me wake our son slowly and gently so he doesn't get grumpy.

It's odd to have a house so quiet, I got used to the hustle and bustle from when we lived with Amelia's parents. It's so nice though to have our own house to grow our family.

"Love, I'm going to start on dinner. Any requests?" Mistress asks, coming in just as our son is up from his nap.

"We will do dinner, Mistress. Someone was also asking if we could run you a bath again tonight," I admit, watching as our son sleepy walks to Amelia to hide his face into her stomach.

"Okay, Daddy, but I want to help. I'll clean up the dishes. You and this little one need a bath tonight, but I'll let you run both run the baths tonight as long as we don't use so much bubble bath!" Mistress teases, starting to tickle our son.

He squeals and runs, making Amelia chase off after him, always happy to play and surprisingly rough house. I suppose as a dominant she is used to rougher play though.

She is careful though, so she never hurts him, so I am no longer nervous about their rough play.

Squeals of joy fill our home as I finish dinner and I think back to how our perfect life could have never been if it hadn't been for the auction. 

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