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Atlas's POV:

Eden sits beside me on her bedroom floor, helping fold the laundry.

"How was your date?" I question although Mistress already told me most the details after she checked on Eden last night.

"Good, very good..." she says, although her tone doesn't exactly meet her words.

"...Is something wrong?" Eden doesn't say anything for a minute before letting out a soft shrug. "...Eden?"

"...I don't think he can afford my sale price," Eden admits, sniffling as she starts to cry.

"Oh, Eden." She leans over, curling into my arms. I let out a soft sigh, my heart hurting for her.

It really was a horrible position to be in as a submissive. You not only didn't get to chose who pursued you, but if you ever fell in love but they couldn't afford you, you didn't get the choice to stay.

"I think I love him," Eden cries and I hush her, running my fingers through her hair to calm her.

"It's okay, Ede. Maybe he'll be able to make a deal with your dad, like make installments instead of it upfront," I comfort.

"He already has three charges, I don't think he would go into debt for me. He's too responsible of a dominant to have debts to pay when he is taking care of three submissives," Eden sniffles.

I sigh, realizing she is right.

"Do you think your dad would lower your price?" I question hesitantly. Lowering a submissives price is usually shameful, a mark on them as a worthy submissive.

It wouldn't be like that though, it wouldn't stain Eden and almost no one would know.

"I don't know. I'm worried he won't because he wants a dominant for me that can provide me the life that he has. I know with Johnathan I wouldn't get as many nice things, but I'm okay with having a simpler life," Eden says.

"Would your dad let you talk to him about something like that?" I know my mother certainly wouldn't. 

"Of course. I can always talk to him about anything," Eden says convincingly.

"See, it will be fine? You don't even know anything for sure either so."

She nods, sliding from my lap. "Thanks, Atlas."

"Of course..." I assure her, returning to the laundry at hand.

With both of us being indisposed with dates and work etc between the two of us, laundry really has gotten out of hand.

Amelia glances at me, pursing her lips as if she wished to say something.

"What's wrong?" I question, her face marked with concern.

"How is work and everything going?"

"Oh, it's good. I'm really enjoying it. I just got my first paycheck," I tell her, trying to sound excited. I should be excited to tell her because I do enjoy it.

"You seem really tired..." Eden finally says and I pause, not having realized she could read me that easily.

Toby's voice drifts down the hall from his room as he talks to his parents on the phone about something, quickly reminding me to go back to work.

"It's just an adaption. I'll get used to it," I assure her and myself.

I thought I'd bounce back today, but I'm still feeling worn out.

I woke up with such big bags under my eyes I had to use powder and concealer so I didn't look so tired.

I was exhausted last night, but playing with Mistress was fun although I wish it wasn't pain play. I denied her all week of pain play though and I felt guilty continuing to postpone it.

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