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Atlas's POV:

Rocking back and forth with my hands stuck in my pockets, I try to fish Mistress out of the crowd of students leaving class.

Exhaustion tugs at me, my back and legs aching from walking around at work so much today. I know my day has really only started though as Mistress will be out of class soon and I will be in her service.

Well... sort of...

I'm not entirely sure how to bring up some of the research I have to do... it's important I continue to research about different medical conditions to further educate myself.

I'm also supposed to prepare for a surgery they will be having me watch tomorrow, so I know what is happening.

I see now how good dominants have it, they get to go home, put their feet up, have a submissive tend to them while they unwind and read up.

I have to figure out how to put Mistress in a good mood to ask about having a little time to study...

This time is supposed to be wholly devoted to her, but my residency is demanding. I forgot how little time I ever have to myself between being at the hospital and then doing things for my residency like reading or watching videos or lectures.

Mistress seems to want me to invest in my education, but I don't know how she will feel about me taking time away from her.

I want to serve, I desire to, but then again I am just one man and I can only do so much. I'm beat from doing a twelve hour shift and I still have more to do before I do it all over again tomorrow, my back aches and I just hope Mistress will show me a little mercy with tasks.

"How was your day, Baby?" Mistress pulls me from my thoughts, tugging me down by the collar of my shirt, planting her lips to mine.

"Mistress, it was good. Let me take your bag, Mistress." She shrugs off her backpack and lets me put it on. "How was class?"

"Class was good. I missed you this morning though, Atlas..." I blush, squeezing her hand gently as she places it in mine.

I wish I could have been there, but hours are so awful at the hospital right now. I don't know if I will be able to provide her with my presence in the morning like she wants on a normal basis.

"I'm sorry I couldn't have been there, Mistress. I missed you too. Did you find your breakfast this morning?"

I got up super early to make her a quiche I thought she may enjoy. It had to be baked, but I left Eden a note, knowing she would be the one cooking.

Getting up earlier than I had to was tough, but I know that I needed to do it to show Mistress that I can handle working and still fulfill my tasks.

"I did. It was very delicious. Thank you, Atlas... You look very sexy in your scrubs..." I beam tiredly at her compliment, my chest puffing up a bit at her praise.

"Thank you, Mistress. I am glad I could provide you a meal. When we get home I will cook for you again?" I'm still getting used to everything at the house, I don't know what the meal rotation around the house looks like now that there are three submissives.

I'd prefer to help in the kitchen to make Mistress her meal, but the dominants may have us switch so that we rotate nights or something.

"Yes, we have to get Toby. He will be out of class soon and then we can head home. You might have to fight Ede to cook though."

I don't feel like I have much fight left in me at all.

I will for Mistress if it would please her though.

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