Home Coming

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Atlas's POV:

I keep my hands stuffed in my pockets, my head bowed as I walk up the front steps.

I feel like I am on a death march. Maybe I am, maybe this is the end...

I'm dead beat, just having got off work a half hour ago. I don't have much time. I have to head to my other job soon for my night shift, but I need to get my mom's signature on my title of ownership and the consent form.

I go to knock, hesitating for a moment. I shiver, looking around my old neighborhood. Memories from my childhood come back and I wish for a moment that I had picked the easy route. My mom said to stay enrolled at the private training academy or get out.

What would my life be like if I had given up? Would I have a mistress by now? Would she treat me good? Would she respect me, love me, cherish me? Or would I just be a mindless toy?

I remember what it was like when I went to school at the training academy, being taught how to not think more than how to.

Going to med school was the best thing that ever happened to me. It's been hard, not being able to come home or see my family and more recently trying to pay for school with my scholarships gone, but it has been worth it.

I learned that I am not just a mindless toy.  I am intelligent, capable. I am a husband that my wife can depend on even thought I am her submissive.

I like how I am now and that is why it is so important for me to get the paperwork for the scholarship auction.

I need to continue to pursue my dreams. I need to get a mistress who appreciates my dedication and hard work, not just the fact that I can do as I am told.

I knock on the door, stuffing my hands in my pockets as I wait. I try to stand tall, to hold my ground. I may not have taken the path my mother thought was best, but I am just as good a man as if I had. I am a hard worker, I am dedicated, I am intelligent.

There is a shuffle behind the door and it is finally pulled open.

A part of me wishes to be pulled into a hug, ushered inside, told how missed I was. I know that is not the greeting I am going to receive though.

"Mother," I greet respectfully, my eyes wandering behind her for Dad. I love them both dearly and it has been such a long time since I have seen them.

"What is it?" Mother asks, moving in front of the door to block my vision. She stands tall, arms crossed, looking down at me with a cool expression.

I know that's just how she is, but I guess I had worked up this moment in my head so much that I am disappointed she isn't welcoming me home finally after this many years.

"May I please come inside?" I don't expect any hospitality, but it is cold outside and we need to talk. I am her son after all. I recon I am owed more than just a conversation on the front door step.

"Did you drop out of college?"


"Are you here to tell me you've been collared?"


"Then you should know that I am not inviting you inside. I told you once and I'll tell you again. You are not welcome in this house until you can answer yes to one of those questions. Do you have any idea how much I invested in your training, Atlas?

"Thousands! I invested thousands for you to have a good owner and you just threw it away to go frolic after some silly dream. It's been six years! Do you know how long it should have taken you to figure out that you should have been learning to serve an owner instead of run after stupid empty dreams? It should have taken you one day.

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