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Amelia's POV:

"Hey, Mama. How was your day?" She turns, a smile already gracing her lips from my greeting.

"Hey, love. Good, how was your day? You're home early?" Mom says.

I nod, taking my place beside her at the kitchen island.

"Yeah, I wanted to get home before Atlas, get dinner started with you," I explain. As a dominant, the hospital is much more understanding of me needing to move around my schedule to be able to take care of my submissive.

As unhappy Atlas is about this all, I feel it's necessary for at least now and I'm not overly bothered to offset my shift a few hours so I can get home before him and help with chores.

"...I'm sorry that I've been letting Atlas take over the house things and all. Eden always likes to do everything and I didn't realize I was putting a strain on Atlas.

"Me and your father talked about moving around my work balance so I can help more around the house," Mom finally admits with a small frown.

"Oh," I frown at this news, knowing how important Mom's work is to her.

"He's helping too of course. We both are going to help. He's going to help with mornings and I'm going to help with night chores and such," Mom quickly adds.

"Good. We really appreciate your help and everything," I assure and Mom smiles, leaning to peck my check.

Just before we are about to put everything in the over, Toby comes down. Instead of going to read in the living room, he sits at the kitchen counter, his eyes suspiciously unfocused on his book for coming here to read.

"Toby..." I warn, knowing immediately what this is about.

"I'm not doing anything—"

"Yes, you are. You're doing exactly what you do when Eden cooks!"

"Dad said to make sure you don't forget to take it out!" Toby defends with a gentle blush.

"Your father," Mom tisks, shaking her head at her son.

"You and your dad are the worst!" Mother teases, taking Toby into a playful headlock.

We don't need Toby's supervision. Sure, mom wasn't great in the kitchen, and I'm not much better, but Toby certainly my doesn't have any more experience than me!

Mom squeals squeezing Toby into a harder headlock as he starts to tickle her.

"Careful with my submissive," Dad chastens sternly, suddenly appearing in the doorway at Mom's yelp.

Mom drops the headlock she has on Toby, giggling still as Toby stops tickling her.

"You didn't have to send Toby to supervise," Mom whines quietly to her master.

Father just chuckles, dragging her waist into his side so he can kiss her.

"Toby will be cleaning up dishes, so don't worry about them, girls," Dad assures, absentmindedly fiddling with Mom's collar.

"Do me and Atlas have anything we need to do tonight?" I question, having thought Atlas and I would have been charged with cleaning dishes.

"No, this Sunday we will just do a little more cleaning than normal," Father asserts, earning nods from all of us.

The garage door closes and we all turn to see my submissive coming in.

His exhausted expression quickly turns into a weary surprise at the sight of all of us in the kitchen looking at him.

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