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Amelia's POV:

I creep out of bed, tugging my dress back into place.

Atlas snores peaceful in bed still, for the first time in a long time, able to sleep in.

My heart weighs heavy because I know how devastating losing his residency is going to be to him. We are gonna figure it out though.

Carefully closing the bedroom door behind me, I head into the kitchen, hoping for a glass of water.

The house is quiet, but it's a Saturday morning so not something unexpected.

I step into the kitchen, prepared to rummage around through the cabinets for a glass until my eyes meet the very surprised gaze of another.

"Miss?" He shoots out of his chair where he looked to be enjoying a cup of coffee.

"Oh. Good morning. I'm sorry to intrude."

Atlas's father blushes, glancing behind me.

"Shall I wake, Atlas?"

"Wake him? Oh um no. That's alright... He's sleeping still. I was just going to get some water. Sorry to disturb you."

Me and Atlas's father haven't interacted much, but I get the sense I make him uncomfortable.

"You didn't disturb me at all, Miss. M-May I get you a glass of water?" Before I can answer, he rushes to do it.

"Thank you... I wasn't able to talk much with you yesterday... Sir." He makes a choking sound, whirling around at the title. "...Since we're being formal."

"... I see why Atlas loves you so much. You do have a good sense of humor, Miss."

I laugh, taking a seat at the small dining table.

"Atlas said be loves me, huh?" I question excitedly, getting all giddy hearing how he has so happily shared.

"...Did he not tell you?" Atlas's father questions in worry now.

"Oh. No, no. He's told me. I... I just didn't know he was telling other people. I can tell he's very close with you though."

Atlas's father blushes, hesitantly sitting at the table beside me.

He sets my glass of water before me, starting to fiddle with his own coffee cup.

"I love my son very much... I... was surprised to hear that he had been collared—Not because he isn't so sweet. My mistress had just been so adamant in arranging a collaring for him. He is so happy with you though. I've never seen him so happy before.

"I know... he was upset he had to ask to terminate his residency, but he will adjust. All submissives do. He loves spending time with you, I'm sure he'll come to enjoy it."

I remain silent for a moment, wondering what he means.

"I asked him to terminate his residency?" I blurt in surprise.

"...Atlas didn't say specifically. He just said how he was terminated and mentioned arguing with you... I assumed you forced him to terminate his residency. I apologize if I spoke out of turn, Miss—"

"No, it's alright. Atlas will be back to working soon. He can just focus on his licensing exam and then we can find somewhere else for him to work. Atlas's job is everything to him."

"...Atlas's job and... you... You know that don't you?" Atlas's dad asks me, making me pause.

Atlas loves me, I know that for sure.

But his job, he... loves that most. That was his first love. Without it, he would never be mine. I was his mistress after all ultimately because he wanted to pursue his dream.

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