Fur Baby

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Amelia's POV:

I wince, hobbling back towards the locker room to change.

Day one wasn't this rough even.

At least on the first day of my residency I was excited enough to be able to ignore the soreness.

A week in though, that soreness isn't as ignorable.

Now I know why Atlas always looked so stiff and sore after work.

After only eight hours, my feet are killing me, more so than any time before and he used to work ten times twelve hour shifts.

A new respect for him brews in me. Never had he complained to me of his back aching or feet hurting and the second I get home, he's going to be massaging me for hours to get rid of the pain.

"Amelia." I jump, swirling around to see who it was that knew me here.

I've met lots of staff and other residents, but I doubt I was that memorable.

"Doctor Heartman?" When Atlas first introduced us, I didn't know his name, but in our tours of the hospital, I was formally introduced.

It took so much from me not to ream some of the doctors in the residency program because I knew how horrible they were to Atlas, but I remember how kind Doctor Heartman had spoken to and of Atlas.

"Yes, I was wondering if you would remember me. You are Atlas's mistress?" Doctor Heartman inquires, making me nod. He continues down the hallway and I fall into pace with him, seeing he wishes to speak. "How is your first week? Must be very exciting for you?"

"It is going well, so much to remember," I admit and he nods with a soft smile.

"Yes, it will all come in time though... Are you enjoying your residency so far though?" Doctor Heartman inquires, making small talk.

"Oh, of course. It's wonderful to be a part of the program," I reply politely and he nods.

"I must admit, my intentions in talking to you were not so pure. I was hoping to enquirer about Atlas," Doctor Heartman finally admits and my stomach sinks as I nod. "I haven't seen him around. I hope he isn't sick."

He didn't know?

Of course he wouldn't.

I suppose I just thought word would get around.

"No he's... he's fine. Some programs just prefer to not work with submissives," I finally admit, my bitterness for the situation clearer in my tone than maybe it should be.

"They let him go?" Doctor Heartman finally concludes and I nod, pursing my lips. "I'm... very sorry to hear that. It is incredibly unfortunate. Is he going to try to find another residency program?"

"As of right now he is just going to continue studying for his medical exam. It's all still very fresh and I worry if he is rejected from more programs it would only hurt him more," I admit.

He nods, "This is a cut throat field, the people make it that way sometimes. I'm sorry they Atlas has become a more recent victim."

I simply nod, not willing to say it's alright because it isn't.

"I wish there was something I could do, but..." he trails off an I nod. Even thought he is a doctor, he isn't part of the residency program. "I wish Atlas the best of wishes."

I smile, shaking the hand Doctor Heartman extends to me. "Thank you. That means very much to both of us." He smiles and nods, excusing himself.


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