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Amelia's POV:

"Eden?" I question, pausing my path upstairs.

Eden turns, straightening under my questioning gaze. She folds her hands in front of her elegantly, putting on a graceful posture.

Her hair is pinned up beautifully, curled to perfection. A dust of blush touches her cheeks with a kiss of color on her lips. As if her makeup and hair was not evidence enough of Eden partaking in some type of event, the beautiful new dress she wears confirms it.

"Hello," she squeaks out timidly to me, glancing hesitantly to Toby's door.

"What is wrong? Why are you dressed like that, Ede?"

I have a sneaking suspicion, but no one has breathed a word to me.

"...Daddy has set up a meeting with a suitor..." Eden whispers out, glancing again to Toby's door. "I upset Toby... he's quite sad about it all."

At her omission Toby's bedroom door opens. His eyes are in fact red from crying. He wipes them crudely, sniffling softly as he looks down at Ede. "I am not sad. I am happy for you."

He obviously is sad, but doesn't want to admit it.

"Do you promise?" Eden whispers.

"Yes. It is just sad to see you and Amelia growing up and... and leaving me behind," Toby admits, avoiding our gazes.

I sigh softly, having known he would feel that way. He always puts on a brave face, trying to grow into a strong dominant, but he is sensitive deep down. It must be hard for him too, to be younger and watch us both grow up and... start our life in a new way.

If I were him, and Eden and him were older and moving on with with their life partners, I would feel left behind and possibly abandoned too.

"Oh, Toby. We aren't leaving you behind at all. I'll... I'll tell daddy I can't meet with the dominant today—"

"No," me and Toby both interrupt sternly, earning a bit of a startled jump from her.

Of course she would sacrifice he wishes for ours. Did she really think we'd let her though?

Dad's door at the end of the hallway opens and all heads turn in its direction.

Dad is in a crisp dress shirt, all cleaned up for the meeting of Eden's suitor as well.

"Toby, Amelia, will you please join me for a moment?" Dad questions calmly, giving Eden a comforting smile.

Me and Toby stand, leaving Eden behind to join Dad.

He shuts his bedroom door behind us, blocking us in his room with him and Mom.

As expected, Mom ignores Dad's summoning us, uncomfortable I'm sure with Eden having a suitor.

"Hannah? Little Mouse?" Mom finally turns, fastening the bracelet she was fiddling with.

"Eden is alright?" Mother questions us, earning two sets of nods.

She looks to Dad, leaning against his side as he turns to address us.

"Your mother and myself will be chaperoning the meeting with Eden's suitor today. I know you both are very protective and would like to be there I'm sure, but this meeting is very important for Eden and I do not want either of you being overbearing.

"She's very nervous already, for the meeting and for the reaction from both of you. If you would like to be there, I need assurance from both of you than you can keep it together and under control," Dad says seriously, earning obedient nods.

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