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Atlas's POV:

I think of all the ways to make love to my beautiful wife tonight for all she has had to suffer through with my mother.

I timidly step into the sitting room to let Mistress know we have cleaned up and finished our meals.

Mother sits on the far side of the room, a book in lap, looking at me from over her glasses.

"I hear you're graduating this weekend..." Mother muses in a very uninterested tone.

I look to Mistress whom is fast asleep curled sitting up.

"I am..." I reply, puffing my chest a bit, readying myself for more of her prodding.

I've cried enough over my job for today. I won't let my mother make me cry over it again.

"Your mistress seems happy about that..."

"She is wonderful in that way..." I agree.

"Well... I'm happy for you that she takes care of you and seems to feel... very fondly for you."

"She does," I grin. "And I love her so very much. I'm glad you both were able to... spend some time getting to know one another."

Mothers gaze falls to Mistress for a long moment.

"Take care of her, Atlas. I don't approve of how she lets you do all your... doctor things, but she is still your mistress."

"Yes, Mother. Of course."

"Your mistress can stay in the guest room if she'd like. I'm sure she's too tired to drive home... I hope it goes without saying, but running away was a very stupid thing to do, Atlas. Don't ever do it again," Mother scolds coldly.

"Yes, Ma'am... Mother, you know... Mistress has collared me... I know you were skeptical about it, but she really is my wife..."

I know mother is very traditional and would have a heart attack if she knew me and Mistress shared a bed before I was collared. There is no reason now for us to sleep apart.

"Yes, I can see that. Bad submissives don't sleep in bed though and you've been a very bad submissive. Do you really think your mistress will invite you to bed after today?"

I've been bad before and Mistress has always invited me to bed, so I'm not worried about this time being different. The thought that I am a bad submissive though does disturb me however.

I didn't runaway intentionally persay. I was always going to come back to her, but technically I did runaway since I left without her permission.

I may not be a traditional sub, but I do try to be a good submissive.

Dad joins us in the sitting room looking very exhausted himself. I take this as an opportunity to address my mistress.

I kneel on the floor next to the sofa, not wishing to startle her.

"Mistress, my dear...." I call softly, resting a gentle hand on her leg.

She startles awake for a moment, blinking tiredly as she wakes up.

"Atlas?" Mistress croaks, rubbing her eyes.

"Yes, Mistress. It's me. I'm sorry to wake you, dear Mistress. My mother has offered for us to stay the night here. I can go prepare the guest room and return to tuck you in, or if you wish to go home I can also drive us home."

Mistress frowns makes a soft whining sound, wrapping herself around my chest.

It takes me a moment to adjust her comfortably, leaving me standing with her around my chest.

She didn't exactly answer my question.

I can tell she is not going to be up for much conversation right now. Even if I wake her again, I'm unsure if I would receive an answer.

I stroke her head for a moment, trying to decide what would be best.

If we didn't come home tonight I'm sure her father would be very upset and worried if Mistress didn't update him at all yet.

I don't want him to worry, but I could also just call him. Perhaps if I call he can make the decision since Mistress is too tired.

Her phone sits on the coffee table and under most circumstances I would ask permission to use it, but I know this situation is different.

When I dial, the phone rings for only a few seconds before it is answered.

"Did you find him?"

"Uh. Hello, Sir. It's Atlas," I reply, guilt filling me even more having to be confronted with Amelia's father.

Mother was disappointed and I am used to that. I haven't ever let down Amelia's father though and he has always been kind. I know my disappearance worried him and that makes me feel guilty too.

"Thank goodness. Amelia found you? You're alright?"

"Yes, Sir. My mother called mistress to let her know I had come home... We stayed for dinner and mistress fell asleep. I wanted to let you know and ask if you would like me to bring her home.

"Mistress is well asleep and I-I don't know what to do, Sir. My mother has invited for us to stay here. I will do whatever you think is best."

I expect more chastening just like mother had, but he doesn't scold me, staying directly on topic.

"Good. Thank you for calling. I was about to go look for the both of you myself. I'm so glad the both of you are alright. Just do whatever you think is best, Atlas. If you're too tired just stay there. It's alright. Okay?

"Amelia isn't going to care either way. She just wants you safe... I appreciate you calling me, but you are the husband, Atlas. Amelia trusts you as her husband to do what's best for the both of you when she can't..."

His non-answer is very distressing, but he is right. Mistress has had this discussion with me before about my rights as a husband, so I don't think she would punish me for this.

"Yes, Sir... W-we will stay here then."

I wait to be scolded and corrected about how that was the wrong answer, but he never does.

"Very good. Sleep well. I'm sure I'll see you tomorrow. I love you both." He hangs up before I can recover from my shock and figure out what to say.

I love you both...

Very few times in my life have I heard the phrase 'I love you'. Between the three dominants in my new household though, it seems it will be a much more regular occurrence.

"We are going to be heading off to bed," I inform my mother timidly when I notice her gaze.

She gives a curt nod and I nod her and dad goodnight.

Mistress doesn't stir much until I try to lay her down. A small growl leaves her and I just laugh, giving up on trying to separate us and just joining her.

She shifts around for a while, trying to find a comfortable cuddling position. Finally satisfied, she stills and lets me pet her head.

"Goodnight, Mistress... I love you."

"Love... you too," Mistress sighs tiredly.

I smile and kiss her crown, holding her close until her snoring fills my ears.

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