Q & A

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Do Hannah's parents or family appear in "The Auction"?

No, Amelia and Atlas's story will focus on their relationship and the struggle with Atlas's family.

Is Eden going to have her own story?

As of now, "The Auction" will be the last book in the series. We might get a sneak peak at Eden and her dating life, but I don't think she will have her own story.

Will "The Action" be the last book in the "Saving Leah Series"?

Yes! I will focus more on the "Fate of Duro Trilogy".

Will there be another book with a similar background to Paper Cranes?"

The "Fate of Duro Trilogy" will continue with two more books!

When is "Domesticates" sequel coming out?

The sequel to "Domesticate" will be coming out after "The Auction" is finished.

Will Toby be getting a submissive in "The Auction?"

No, he won't. :(

When will the second part of 10,000 Miles be published?

I was hoping for the end of summer, but I am thinking more around Christmas now. :(

Will Jessie ever receive a book?

No. He won't.

Will there be another spinoff series/books like Gentle Giant?

Perhaps, but it is not planned at this moment.

What is your favorite story you have written so far and why?

My favorite story so far is actually "Subjugate" the sequel to "Domesticate".

What inspired you to start the "Saving Leah Series"?

I loved the book "Good Boy", by Feline_Fan  it was the first book that followed the idea of a society built around bdsm. That book has since been removed from the platform, but I thought it was an interesting idea that I could develop more.

"Saving Leah" was never written with the intention of turning into a series. As it just developed, it kept going until what it is today.

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