Dr. Who?

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Atlas's POV:

Mistress runs her hand over mine, humming happily as she pulls into the parking lot.

I kiss the back of her hand, trying to soothe my own excitement and nerve.

"May I please come inside with you?" I request, watching her collect her purse and keys.

Mistress fishes lip stick out of her purse, reapplying it now.

"I don't mind. I can't see Dr. Hartman caring either," Mistress smiles, sliding out of the driver's seat.

I scramble out of the car after her, hurrying to catch up to her.

Mistress's heels click loudly on the concrete bringing a grin to my lips. Although she was at the hospital this morning, she has dressed up nice to meet with Dr. Hartman about my employment.

Mistress chortles at me as she sees that I'm still watching her creamy bare thighs as she clicks around in her heels.

"You're a glutton for punishment, aren't you, Slave?"

I grin, squeezing her hand tighter.

"You look very pretty today, Mistress," I reply shyly, glancing down once again at her legs as she clicks along the pavement.

"If you would like an erection for the entirety of this meeting, that's up to you. But don't grovel at my feet when you're too hot and bothered," Mistress laughs, tugging me into the office behind her.

The receptionist looks up at Mistress's entrance.

"Good Afternoon. Welcome to Marin Family Medicine. Who are you checking in today?"

"Afternoon. I'm here to meet with Doctor Hartman. He asked us to stop by this week," Mistress says easily, not bothered at all by the questioning gaze of the other dominant.

"Oh. He didn't mention anything. Let me go see if he's available," the receptionist replies without casting me as much of a glancing.

Mistress looks around the office, foot thumping lightly in her nervousness as she waits.

I lean against Mistress, pecking her head gently.

"You're a good boy," Mistress coos, without looking at me, cold but kind in a way only she could be.

"Thank you, Mistress."

A smile quirks her lips as she pretends to ignore me, always entertained to play the disinterested dominant.

Skimming my fingers up along her back, I aim to draw a reaction from her.

She inhales deeply, obviously aware of my heated gaze on her.

"You're playing with fire, Slave... Fly too high to the sun and you're bound to get burned," Mistress warns, looking me up and down.

My fingers still on her back, well aware the potentials of her threat.

"Amelia!" Dr. Hartman greets, welcoming Mistress with a firm handshake.

"Dr. Hartman, it is so good to see you," Mistress greets, putting on that charming smile of hers.

"It is so good to see you as well, Amelia. I hope Atlas is almost as excited as I am," Doctor Hartman says kindly.

I gently nudge Mistress, taking hold of her hand, wanting her to ask if I can stay. "Would it be acceptable if Atlas joined us?"

"Up to your digression, Miss Astor. Atlas and I will be working as colleagues soon, so it doesn't bother me in the slightest," Doctor Hartman laughs.

Mistress squeezes my hand gently and I return the gesture, giddy about being able to come.

Doctor Hartman shows us into his office, inviting us to sit.

There is only one guest chair, so I have to move over an extra, but I don't mind at all, too excited to care.

"So what exactly will Atlas be helping with? How many days would you like him here?" Mistress questions, not shy at all. It makes me nervous that she's asking all these questions. I feel it makes me look difficult to work with, but Doctor Hartman knows my position as a submissive and I'm sure is sympathetic to Mistress's circumstance.

"For now I don't have the clients that necessitate another doctor, but in my absence he would help me with appointments, shadowing only at first just like at his residency, but then being on his own under my supervision of course.

"We are open four days a week, Tuesday-Friday, We work 8-5. I am flexible to your needs as a Mistress. If you'd like him to have a three day work week so he can attend things at home I'm happy to accommodate that."

Mistress looks to me as if I'd say anything.

"Would you like to do four days a week?" Mistress asks me, earning an eager nod.

Doctor Hartman chuckles, making me blush as Mistress turns back to him.

"I guess you'll have him for four days."

"With him being unlicensed at the moment I'd like to offer him an hourly rate of $90 per hour. Once he passes his licensing exams I would like to move him to salary.

"Here would be his employment contract. I understand if you would like to take a few days to review everything and get back to me. I put his first day as Monday of next week."

"I don't think that is necessary. Atlas is very excited to start working with you," Mistress says, flipping through the short contract in review.

"I am very excited as well," Doctor Hartman admits, smiling at me as Mistress returns the now signed employment contract.

I don't think Mistress cared at all how much I was going to be hired for. All she cared about was that I would be able to fulfill my dream.

Doctor Hartman stands to shake hands with her. I stand as well, collecting Mistress's purse for her.

"I will see you next week then, Atlas. Please bring your Mistress's paperwork back when you come," Doctor Hartman requests, handing Mistress all the paperwork for my employment.

He goes to shake my hand and I blush, having been caught off guard.

Mistress relieves me of her purse, nudging me gently with her should to usher me forward.

I shake Dr. Hartman's hand, happily relieving Mistress of her purse once again.

"How about I introduce you to the rest of the staff. I'm sure you've already met in some capacity," Doctor Hartman says kindly as we walk out.

"Oh that would be lovely," Mistress smiles, squeezing my hand excitedly, happy for me.

"Tamara, the soon to be Doctor Astor will be joining us starting next week," Doctor Hartman introduces to the receptionist we met before.

I'm not even offended when the woman stands, smiling politely to shake Mistress's hand in greeting. "It's so nice to meet you. I can't wait to start working with you."

Mistress shakes Tamara's hand, glancing to me, obviously trying not to laugh at the mistake.

"This is my husband. He is actually the soon to be doctor," Mistress corrects before Doctor Hartman can.

"Oh," Tamara says in surprise, finally looking to me.

I'm used to being invisible to dominants in social setting, so I'm not offended, I find it almost comical.

She retracts her handshake, seeming confused for a moment on what would be appropriate.

I offer her my hand to shake, trying to assure her it's alright to shake my hand despite me being a submissive. It might be disrespectful to do that with another submissive, but Mistress isn't concerned of other dominants.

"It's... so nice to meet you. I look forward to seeing you next week," Tamara finally says, seeming to collect herself.

"As do I," I agree, glancing to Mistress with a grin, having a feeling I'll like it here.

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