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Atlas's POV:

I scrub the dinner dishes like there is no tomorrow.

"After dinner do you want to play a game with me, Atlas? Toby is going to train me on positions and we always play fun games when we train," Eden tells me.

"T-that's so sweet, Miss Eden—Eden. Me and Mistress are going to... going to play though... tonight..."

Eden's face falls slightly before her smile widens more than it was before.

"You're going to play? That's so fun. Amelia will be so nice to you. She'll cuddle you and give you kisses and... and just be really nice," Eden insists.

I smile, getting the sense that when Amelia has helped train Eden she is very nice which makes Eden think Amelia is that way when we play.

From what I have gathered though, Mistress knows the submissive she is guiding and gives each of us exactly what we need. Eden seems like a much gentler soul, not a masochist like me, so cuddles and gentle words of praise are fitting. Mistress knows I don't want sweet words or light caresses when we play though, I want her to hurt me, to own me.

"Thank you, Eden. I'm sure I'll be just fine," I grin, another erection starting to form at the thought of what Mistress is gonna do to me tonight.

Setting the last dish aside, I quickly wipe my hands of soap and water. "Goodnight, Atlas," Toby chuckles, sending a blush across my cheeks. Although Eden seems somewhat oblivious to how Mistress likes to play, by the smirk on his face I think Toby may have an idea.

"Goodnight, Sir." Before he can chuckle anymore, I dash up stairs to go seek my mistress.

Should I wash up for her before we play? She would tell me to do so if she wanted that, right?

I linger timidly by the door, watching as she fixes the restraints to the bed, looking like she is preparing to tie me up like a starfish.

"Close the door, Atlas. I'm not going to hurt you... yet," Mistress adds, realizing her later statement probably wasn't true.

She finally turns to look at me, pausing her fussing. It takes me a moment to realize I haven't moved which is probably why she is starting at me.

Quickly scrambling inside, I shut the door behind me.

Mistress hums softly as I quickly drop down to my knees by the door.

"You're wearing too many clothes, Slave."

Oh shoot. I'm so stupid. I should have known to strip. I'm trained much better.

I scramble to undress, already feeling like I've messed things up.

Mistress says nothing, simply standing by the foot of our bed, watching me.

I settle back into a kneeling position, trying to control my breathing as she comes over.

She runs a finger over my shoulder, stroking one of the marks still coloring my back. I tense at her touch, it still painful despite her gentleness.

"I must admit I forgot about you back, Slave. I was going to have you face up, but that would almost be too cruel."

My first instinct is to assure her she can be cruel to me as she obviously made plans already. As she runs her finger over another lash mark I think she may know my needs more than I do.

Even her light touch hurts. I don't think I would be able to give her my full attention, or enjoy our play if she had me on my back.

I remain silent, knowing her comment was rhetorical.

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