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Amelia's POV:

"Now what is this about you not being a strong dominant?" For being a submissive, he can be surprisingly assertive.

I blush, mortified he remembered because I honestly shouldn't have mentioned it. I had almost hoped he had forgotten the comment since he didn't mention it right away.

His hand continues to caress up and down my arm as he pecks my head.

"Amelia..." he tisks when I don't reply.

"I've just been very emotional today, crying and stupid little insecurity things. You had to comfort me after your punishment for goodness sake. It is like I am the submissive and that isn't how it should be at all. You're the submissive and you don't like to be the one holding and coddling and stuff.

"You are the one who is supposed to be supported by me and assured of any insecurities. I couldn't even keep myself together in the apartment today. You didn't even cry and you had to live there. I am a pathetic excuse for a mistress really and above it being awfully humiliating, it's horribly irritating because I simply can not seem to overcome myself."

Tears sting my eyes again, but I absolutely refuse to let them fall. Not again and certainly not now while I am already in the lap of my submissive. "Don't you want to switch with me, have your head on my chest? I'll run my fingers through your hair and you can relax. You've been such a good boy and it is ridiculous for you to have to coddle me."

I sit up, expecting him to switch, but his arms just tighten around me.

"What do you think makes a dominant, Amelia?"

I sigh, letting my head relax against his chest, no longer having the desire to fight it. I shouldn't feel this way! Why do I feel this way? Why do I want to curl into him, feel his arms around me?

"Being strong—"

"Define strong, Dearest."

"...Not crying all the time, not being insecure, not needing someone to always comfort you, not wanting to be held..."


"What?" I know that hum wasn't just him thinking.

"Do you this submissives aren't strong, Amelia?"


"You described a lot or traits submissives usually have. Do you think submissives are weak?"

"No of course not. Submissives deserve to be taken care of, but they aren't weak. Being a dominant with submissive characteristics makes me a weak dominant though."

"Mmm. Who is it you are trying to live up to be like?"

"My dad, but I know things are different with being a mistress so sometime just other female dominants. They don't ever sit in their sub's lap or cry. They are able to hold it together for their submissives."

"If I sat on your lap, I'd crush you..."

"Well, yes—"

"And I doubt those women have never cried in front of their subs either, Amelia. Do you think it bugs me that you sit in my lap and cuddle with me? Or is your concern for your image as a dominant?"

"I don't want it to bug you. I don't want you to have to be the strong one."

"If I tell you something, do you promise not to slap me?"

I crack a smile, laughing warmly.

"I think I will be able to contain myself."

"Okay. That will be good enough then... I never was raised or taught as a submissive to expect a mistress with this massive muscular body and a short temper, but otherwise completely stable—" He catches my wrist before I can slap his chest, us both breaking into laughter at his comment. "I just meant to say that you're not... different from what I expected.

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