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Atlas's POV:

"How badly do you want to go see your parents?" Mistress asks carefully, a partial scowls on her face.

"Uhh..." Usually this wouldn't be a hard question, but the look on her face makes me question my original answer.

Seeing my hesitation, mistress sighs, seeming to give in.

"Your mother invited us to stay over for the weekend..." Mistress finally admits and I nod, seeing the reason for her displeasure.

Although we live close, visitation with my parents is few and far between.

That is simply the reality for a submissive though.

I should be grateful Mistress lets me see my family.

"Do you want to stay the weekend, Atlas?" Mistress questions gently now, having seen how much her displeasure originally had conflicted me.

"Maybe just a night... if it would not upset you, Mistress. I know how tired you must be from your residency and I know you do not enjoy the company of my mother," I admit.

Mistress remains silent for a moment before turning to me again.

"I desire for your happiness. If you would like to spend time with your family, then we will make an effort to," Mistress assures, setting aside her personal feelings.

"We can just go for dinner if it would truly upset you," I start to backtrack, worried I'm pushing Mistress inappropriately.

"You left your family to be in my service. One night at your parents is a small sacrifice for you and your happiness, Atlas. I'll let your mother know," Mistress finally says and I relax.

"You're very kind, Mistress," I remind her and she smiles.

"You must not have seen what I laid out on the bed to play with tonight then," she muses teasingly, obviously entertained by what she has planned.

"W-what is it?" Surely nothing for a punishment, she wouldn't have warned me if so. She must be toying with me, I realize, relaxing only a bit.

"You'll just have to see. Your mom said we can come around six, so you'll get to see probably around eleven tonight," Mistress shrugs with a cruel grin.

"Tonight, Mistress?"

"What, Slave? You didn't think you'd get out of playing did you? It's been so long, you're lucky if I won't be too rough," Mistress taunts, her eyes shinning excitedly.

My own body shivers in anticipation. Rough she says? I don't think she's played rough with me yet? All her play has been fairly gentle although her punishments have been tough and just.

"Amelia, the demeaning title? Be respectful to your submissive," Mr. Astor chastes making us both whirl around, neither of us having realized he entered the kitchen to hear our conversation.

Mistress blushes as if she was caught being called such things.

"I-It's alright, Sir. I-I like that nickname," I assure bashfully, Mistress too chided by her father to explain.

His stern expression softens to his daughter and he gently pats her head as if to apologize for the wrongful chastening.

"I was almost going to scold you about playing too rough too, but perhaps Atlas likes that as well," Mr. Astor admits to his daughter, making me and Mistress blush even deeper.


I rap on the front door before taking a step back so I'm just behind Mistress.

She reaches back and intertwines her hand with mine. She doesn't tend to follow public protocol with me, like having me always walk behind her etc, but she doesn't argue now when I do it, probably aware I do it to appease my mother.

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