Blue Bid Stickers

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Atlas's POV:

"Doctor, I think you'd be better as a naughty nurse," the woman taunts, making my cheeks heat up. She doesn't catch onto my discomfort, leaning across the table to run her hand along my jaw.

I let her touch me, knowing if I have any chance at all with her that I would squash it if I leaned away.

Her nails dig into my cheeks unpleasantly as she grabs my face. I can't help but compare her hands to how Miss Amelia's might feel.

I know it's stupid to entertain thoughts like that. I had just thought perhaps Amelia had been interested, but she never gave me a bid sticker and the auction is going to start in less than half an hour, so she clearly didn't like me as much as I had hoped.

Amelia would have been a good mistress, she didn't grab at me, try to feel me up, and she didn't degrade or try to humiliate me either like the other women who have come by.

These other women are a different type of mistress. I think of Amelia as the type of owner to be addressed as mistress, but enjoys sweet romantic gestures from me like flowers or chocolates.

The other women though, would probably go for nothing lower than goddess or her majesty which is certainly not arousing to me—not that they care. They probably find great pleasure in my displeasure and would laugh directly in my face at any sweet gesture I made to them.

I've only received one sticker so far from a woman much older than I whom personally, I hope I will never see again. I didn't like the way she grabbed at my clothes, unbuttoning my shirt without any sort of hesitation to see if my body was to her liking.

I have yet to decide if I should just accept that I will go home and get collared by the woman my mother chooses for me.

To be honest though, I am probably better off with these handsy women. At least I would still get to be a doctor.

If I go home, I will be sold to a woman just like these ones, but with no interest in my career aspirations.

With this realization, I try to put on a pleasant smile to earn this other woman's bid sticker.

Her nails are sharp and I don't like them, but she is probably better than that older woman.

Light blue fabric brushing across the floor catches my attention and my eyes snap over to Eden...or Amelia. I don't know which one is which.

Our eyes meet for a moment and the woman with the grip on my face lets me go, seeing she has lost my attention.

The woman huffs quietly, leaving me be to go look at another boy. I open my mouth to apologize, beg the woman to come back, but I don't want to be seen as an unruly submissive.

I look to one of the twins, taking in the hard line her plump lips make.

She's... upset?

I swallow hard, getting the sense the I am in trouble. She pulls out the chair across from me and sits down, keeping anyone else from coming over.

"I think doctor suites you just fine," she says evenly and my heartbeat picks up. I know from how she speaks, this is Amelia. Eden is much more timid, less assertive.

I drop my eyes from hers, "Thank you, Miss Amelia," I whisper bashfully, squirming in my seat. She seems upset at me, but I can't help but still wish for a sticker.

"Did she give you a bid sticker?" Amelia inquires, looking over at the woman who had left. I can see her distain clear on her face, her nose turned up at the handsy woman.

"No, Miss Amelia..."

"Do you have a bid sticker from anyone else?" My eyes bounce around the room, too ashamed to look at any part of her.

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