Threatening Literature

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Atlas's POV:

I watch Mistress timidly from across the room.

She was upset when she found out I haven't been wearing my collar at work, but she was understanding of my reasons.

Not so understanding that I won't be punished though.

Mistress flips through the book in her lap leisurely, trying to find the perfect punishment to inflict.

"Usually that's a leisure read. You must have done something though for her to have pulled it out the weekend before finals week," Toby muses playfully, sitting across the island as I finish cleaning the kitchen.

I thought Eden would fight me more to help, but she seemed to appreciate having a night off from chores, me not usually being able to help her other nights. I'm grateful for the distraction though.

"Unfortunately," I admit with a small frown, drawing a smile onto Toby's face.

"Ah so a punishment then. Most submissives would be nervous," Toby continues, seeming to feel the need to explain his amusement with the situation.

I am nervous. Exceedingly so, but I don't correct him.

"Mistress will only give me when I deserve," I supply almost thoughtlessly, trying to figure out if I would be a bad submissive if I went upstairs now and precoated my testicals in lidocaine cream just incase some of her punishments are really creative.

I have no idea how to prepare myself for Mistress's punishment. To my knowledge, all the stuff they did to me at the academy was pretty straight forward punishments. None of the dominants training there read books about punishment, it was all run-of-the-mill stuff; spanking, caning, whipping, flogging etc.

The normal stuff didn't need to be put into a book. Mistress is not interested in the regular stuff tonight, thus the book.

If she was looking for a standard punishment she didn't need a book. I can only imagine the book is for more twisted and unconventional methods of punishing a submissive.

Perhaps it is something like sleep deprivation techniques. Those would be a real bitch this week. It's not only finals week, but I also have early shifts at my residency too.

Would it only be for a day? She wouldn't try that for more than a week, right?

She hasn't seemed angry about the collar thing necessarily, but she also isn't the kind of mistresses to punish me from anger.

Perhaps that's even more terrifying because her revenge would be calculated.

I wonder if she would punish me if I read the book, just to know what she had at her disposal, you know?

"Or perhaps you hide your nervousness differently than Eden," Toby gives me a sympathetic smile, waving his hand over my face to snap me out of my thoughts.

I blush a bit, not having meant to space out.

"Sorry, Sir."

Toby hums softly, watching me for a long moment.

"Do you want me to talk to her? I can try to cool her down if she's mad. Us men have to stick together, you know?" Toby says.

I relax a bit at his kind gesture.

"I'm alright, Sir," I lie through my teeth, wiping my sweaty palms on the dishtowel.

My first and only punishment since being in the academy so many years ago had been a whipping from Mistress. What she has prepared for me tonight surely wouldn't be worse, could it?

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