No Brakes

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Ruby POV

     I am being dragged through the White Fang's secret base underneath the city, normally I would be fighting my hardest to get away but right now, I am a mess of emotions because I just watched my son, Grimlock, get shot and was left where he was shot while I was taken prisoner. I manage to look around and see everything from weapons to bombs and even mech suits all being readied for something, we finally reach a train car and one of the White Fang grunts calls out.

WF Grunt1: Sir, you need to see this!

Roman: Is it good or bad Perry, because I have had a day.

Perry: It's a little girl.

Roman: *comes out of the car* That would be bad.

Perry: We found her and another kid near the entrance. We were forced to shoot the kid she was with.

Roman: Oh well, collateral damage.

      The grunts let me go and Roman starts asking questions but I don't answer because I am too distraught over Grimlock.

Yang POV

     I just got done with my shift at guard duty and walk back to the fire and try to wake up Weiss.

Yang: Weiss, it's your....

      I trail off because I notice Ruby and Grimlock are not around the fire.

Yang: Hey, where's Ruby?

      This rouses the others and we all look around. Suddenly, Zwei comes running into the room and starts frantically barking and running in circles.

Yang: Zwei? What is it? Where's Ruby?

     At this question, Zwei turned around and rushed out of the building and I got a sickening feeling in my stomach. We all grabbed our weapons and chased after Zwei until we reach a hole in the ground. There we also found-

Yang: Ruby's scythe!

Blake: Oh no.

Weiss: *looks down hole* Do you think she fell?

Oobleck: *looks up at buildings* Fell?

Weiss: *points at hole* Down there.

Oobleck: Oh dear. *realization* Of course, of course, of course!

Blake: Doctor?

Oobleck: How could I have been so stupid?!

Yang: Doc, what are you talking about?!

Oobleck: My dear, we aren't just looking for and underground crime network. We are looking for an UNDERGROUND crime network!

Weiss: Meaning?

Oobleck: This quadrant of Vale is known for dense forests and deep caves. The people of Vale built Mountain Glenn as an attempted expansion of Vale, but without the many natural defenses this plan was doomed from the start. In a last ditch attempt for survival the people made a series of tunnels and even it's own subway system. Then they opened one cavern and Grimm started pouring through, with no way to stop them, Vale finally sealed the subway tunnel for good.

Blake: So, there's like a whole underground village down there?

Oobleck: In a manner of speaking, yes.

Yang: Then we need to get down there, now.

Swoop: Over here!

      Swoop and Zwei were pointing out a open door leading to a staircase, I just hope we aren't too late. We make it to the bottom and come to a large sealed door, Weiss tried to access the control panel but no luck and I know I won't be able to punch through. I then get an idea and look at Slag, he looks at me and I gesture my head towards the door.

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