The Lady in the Shoe

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3rd Person POV

Weiss: You can't be serious? You want to fight that thing?

Ruby: We've fought giant monsters before, this is just a tiny old lady... with one very big robot.

Cordovin: You little spider-roaches thought you could creep your way into Atlas?! Well, let's just see how your resolve stands against the might of the Atlesian Military.

Cordovin activates a missile launcher on the arm cannon and fires one at the airship. While it initially missed, the missile track the airship, but just before it hits, it explodes before just behind the airship. Cordovin looks at the shore and see Ruby with Crescent Rose in hand and smoke coming out of the muzzle.

Cordovin: SO BE IT!

Cordovin readies the mech's arm cannon and aims at the shore.

Weiss: Dive!

Maria complies and flies the ship towards the group, the mech fires and Weiss hops out just in time to use her glyphs to creates a gigantic ice barrier. The airship lands behind the wall and Snarl and Swoop hop out.

Ruby: Okay, we need a plan.

Jaune: Well, we could give her more targets to hit, that mech is not designed for small enemies.

Grimlock: No.

Ruby: Grim?

Grimlock: Dinobots will fight giant robot. Humans stay out of fight and find weakness.

Arcee: I can help the Dinobots with this robot too.

Grimlock: Good.

Ruby: Hmm.... I don't like putting you in harm's way, but you guys might just be our best chance to beat this thing. Okay, Oscar, Jack stay on the airship. Maria keep the airship out of harm's way, that's our ticket to Atlas.

Slag: Alright, I finally get to smash something.

Grimpock: Slag and Sludge no fight robot.

Slag: What?

Sludge: Why?

Grimlock: Go find your mother's, might be in trouble.

Slag: You can't be serious?!

Grimlock: That is order!

Sludge: Okie dokie.

Slag: Just get some hits in for us too.

Ruby: Okay ready?

As Cordovin waits and watches, the airship takes off to her right, the humans to the right, the Bots on either side of the wall take aim, then Swoop in robot mode jumps up and transforms into Dinobot mode and flies towards the giant mech. Slag and Sludge use the chaos to get away and head towards the relay station.

Cordovin fires a lot of missiles at the Dinobots, and while Swoop expertly dodges by doing rolls and other aerial manuevers, the Bots shoot at the missiles and blow them up in midair. Swoop then fires his own missiles and hits the mech but the explosions don't do a lot to it, so she ignored him and raised the mech's other hand and created a barrier to block the shots of the other bots.

Cordovin: *laughs* Surely, you knew Atlas founded hard-light dust technology, or do lesser kingdoms lack the proper education.

Grimlock: Puny machine can't stop Dinobots!

Jaune: Great, shields.

Qrow: We'll need to find whatever's generating them.

Ruby: *over comm* You know, in video games, the weak point is usually on the back of the giant boss!

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