Volume 8: Divide

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3rd Person POV

The Dinobots, Team JNPR, Penny and most of Team RWBY are hold up in a Happy Huntress hideout.

News Reporter: *on-screen* The Huntsmen and Huntresses, as well as our planets supposed alien allies, have now been branded fugitives of Atlas, the reason for this is still unclear, but the bigger question is, why has Atlas stopped evacuations in Mantle?

Grimlock: *angered* Turn it off.

Weiss turns the news off, then the door opens and Ruby walks through with Oscar in tow. Nora was the first to approach, Oscar braced himself for the tackle ge thought was coming, instead Nora gently pulls him into a hug. He relaxes and hugs back, while Ruby and Weiss smile at the scene. Grimlock coughs again.

Ruby: Grim? Are you sure you're okay?

Grimlock: Grimlock fine.

Slash: No you're not. You're bleeding from your mouth.

Grimlock quickly wipes away the blood from his lip and reiterated.

Grimlock: Grimlock fine!

Yang: Slag knock him out if you have to, or even if you just want to.

Slag: Yup.

Blake: *to Oscar* When we heard you went off after Ironwood on your own, we...

Nora let's go of Oscar and walks away.

Weiss: How did you end up down in the slums?

Oscar: It's a... *sighs* long story. I get the feeling there's been a few of those tonight.

Grimlock looks away in both self-disappointment and frustration over the loss of the Winter Maiden.

Ozpin: *in Oscars mind* You're not going to tell them?

Oscar: *in his mind* You and I aren't done talking yet.

Oscar's eyes widen as he notices one member of the group is missing.

Oscar: Where's Qrow?

Ren, Blake and Yang lower their gazes, Jaune looks towards Blake and Yang before looking down as well.

Ruby: We don't know. The last we heard, he was with Robyn, but now....

Joanna then enters the room from the kitchen.

Joanna: Alright, your friend is back now.

She walks further into the room and stands in front of them.

Joanna: You ready to work?

She is met with silence, Joanna turns to look through a box of supplies and continues talking.

Joanna: *sighs* The largest Grimm horde ever seen is hovering over the tundra, and out there is a city full of people with no heat and, from what you told us, no more military protection. And while we're happy to give you guys a place to lie low for a while... It's time to get those people some help.

Ren: How? Ironwood is stopping all evacuations to Atlas. And we can't get them out of the city with Salem's forces surrounding us.

Joanna: The crater. Beneath Atlas. It's not safe, but it's warm, and with everyone in one place, we can do a better job protecting them. May can send you where you're needed most. We've got to get everyone down into that crater before nightfall. In the slums we might have a chance.

She turns and heads back towards the kitchen.

Weiss: We're never gonna sleep again, I just know it.

Joanna stops with her hand on the door and turns back to Weiss.

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