The Battle of Haven Begins

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3rd Person POV

Qrow told everyone that he received a message from Lionheart, headmaster of Haven Academy, that he had gotten enough huntsmen to help raid Raven's bandit camps to grab the Spring Maiden. However, the Dinokids are being told-

Slag: Mom, you've got to be kidding?!

Slash: Please don't leave me here without you, Mommy?

Sludge: Families stick together.

Weiss: I am sorry, but raiding a bandit camp is way too dangerous for kids your age.

Pyrrha: Even with your fantastic abilities, you require more training and discipline.

Slam: *questioning grunt*

Nora: It still means no, sweety.

Slam: *pouts*

Yang: We would love nothing more than to take you along, but we can't afford risking losing you again. These guys are not like the bad guys you watch on TV, these bandits will kill you if they get the chance.

Slag: We are Dinobots! We wouldn't give them the chance!

Yang: Our decision stands, young man.

Slag: *groans in frustration*

Slash runs up to Pyrrha and hugs her leg on the verge of tears.

Pyrrha: *kneels down* It's okay, Slash. Mommy won't be gone long. We will come back, I promise.

Jaune: Yeah, you've got nothing to worry about, kiddo.

The parents hug their kids goodbye one more time and follow Qrow to Haven Academy. As the group makes it to the door of Haven Tower, Qrow looks around suspiciously but follows the rest inside. When the group walks in and Lionheart is there to greet them.

Lionheart: Welcome, there seems to be more of you than last time.

Qrow: Well, you know what they say, the more the merrier. So, what's going on with the council?

Lionheart: Why do you have your weapons?

Qrow: Leo, we're huntsmen. Are you okay?

Lionheart: Yes, of course, just haven't had my evening coffee.

As the two adults talk, Yang notices a bird with red eyes watching from the balcony to the groups right, and recognizes it.

Yang: Mom?

Qrow looks and shoots at the bird, but misses as the bird flies behind Lionheart and transforms into Raven adorning her helmet. Everyone glares at her.

Ruby: Raven....

Nora: They.... They really are magic....

Raven: *takes off helmet* If your going to shoot me, shoot me. That was insulting.

Qrow: What are you doing here?

Raven: I could ask you the same thing. You've been scheming little brother. Planning to attack your own sister.

Qrow: Leo, what have you done?

Raven: He did what any sane person would do. He looked at all the information he had, assessed the situation, and made a choice. It seems you all have too.

Qrow: You have the Spring Maiden.

Raven: I do.

Qrow: Then hand her over, together we can beat Salem.

Raven: All those times spying for Ozpin and you still have no idea what you're dealing with. There is no beating Salem.

Ruby: You're wrong. We've done lots of things that most people would call impossible, and I know the only reason we did it was because we didn't do it alone! We had people to teach us, people to help us, we had each other. Work with us. At least I know we'll have a better chance if we work together, please.

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