Cordially Invited

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3rd Person POV

Slash: What?!

Snarl: How?!

Robyn and Sludge have just informed the other Dinobots that Slag, Yang and Blake have been captured. Robyn goes into detail about what happened.

Robyn: ..... When the rest of the bullheads arrived, Blake grabbed me and told me to take Sludge and run.

Grimlock: *angry* RAHH! *punches wall* Grimlock will kill them all!

Robyn: As much as I want to agree with you, you can't just go stomping around tearing the entire city apart.

Ratchet: All of our spilled Energon to protect you and the rest of humanity and this is the thanks we get?!

Robyn: I agree, it was cruel and wrong, but until you find whoever's responsible, you can't spook them by tearing the city apart, otherwise your friends may be lost forever.

Ratchet: Thank you, we'll take it from here.

Robyn: You're booting me?! I said I was going to help!

Grimlock: Tin Man have cameras, you can't be seen. Now get lost!

Ratchet opens the Groumd Bridge back to her hideout and Robyn sighs before walking through. The door opens and Team JNPR and RW walk in, the humans see the distraught and angry looks on their Dinobot's faces.

Weiss: Hey, what's the matter?

Snarl: Slag, Yang and Blake have been captured!

Ruby: What?! Why?!

Swoop: I don't know!

Slash: Sludge just told us.

Ruby whooshes down to Sludge and pulls the big, sad, scared kid into a hug as Sludge finally cries.

Ruby: Shh, shh, everything is going to be alright, I promise.

Jaune: The timing of this is weird.

Ratchet: Weird how?

Weiss: My father invited the General to a dinner where he'll be defending his seat on the council.

Ratchet: He's moving fast.

Grimlock: Grimlock, not understand.

Pyrrha: The trial, the kidnapping..... There's too many coicidences.

Jaune: I still can't believe Jacques won, Robyn was supposed to be the hero of Mantle.

Weiss: Something isn't right. It doesn't add up.

Pyrrha: Do you think your father might be in league with Salem?

Weiss: ..... I think my father would do whatever it takes to win.

Ruby: Then maybe we should do the same.

Weiss: What do you mean?

Ruby: Out of all of us, you're the only one that can snoop around without being seen. If Jacques Schnee is hiding something, I think we have a right to know what it is.

Grimlock: That still doesn't help us find Slag!

Ratchet: No, but this might. *shows lockbox*

Nora: What is that?

Ratchet: A spy Grimlock took prisoner the night of the election right here inside the base. I didn't even know he was here.

Grimlock: Open it.

Human Dinobot Kids x Team RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now