51 We Are Like Yo-Yos

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+Liam's POV+

     As expected Janet is screaming at Cody when we make it back to camp. I set Raleigh down on the log and sit down next to her.

"Let's just cook the coyote." Ryder suggests and Randy, Cody and Ethan go over to help him out. Janet garbs Zaya and drags her away from the camp, yelling at her as they go. How awful. Wonder what Kevin would think if he saw this disaster.

"You hungry?" Raleigh asks me and I nod my head. I'm starving! I think of how delicious the food is but then I catch a glimpse of her laying there and my mind wanders. I can't help but think how delicious she tastes. God I want to taste her so badly. No! Snap out of it!

      "Are you seriously drooling over coyote?" I hear Raleigh ask, snapping me out of my lustful thoughts.

       "What? Oh no. I wasn't even drooling!"

       "Liam, there's drool right there! Ew!"

      "Alright I was drooling!"

      "What were you thinking about? Please do not say you were thinking of that coyote!" Raleigh begs as we both glance at the coyote being cut up and put on sticks to cook.

      "Just all the normal food I miss. Like going out. I miss restaurant food."

      "Oh definitely, restaurant food and restaurant desserts hit different."

"I can't wait until we can be out of hiding, find Christian, kill him and just move on with our lives." I mutter and Raleigh sighs.

"That would be nice, wouldn't it? After all these years, just be at peace."

"Yeah it would be. Just us without a care in the world? We could go out, go to the movies, go to dances, concerts, malls. I miss all that."

"I do too, Liam. I do too. Should we do the movies when this ends? Or you thinking something else? Roller skating? Ice skating?"

"I don't know. All of it sounds so fun. We should totally go see a movie though we have to at least once. Screw waiting for it to come out."

"You know, maybe we should take cooking and baking classes. Just so we can be prepared to actually cook when we get married and live all by ourselves." Raleigh suggests and I snort.

"Princess, I can cook. We can try baking classes though. You can do the cooking ones without me."

"I thought we were doing things together!"

"That was for religion not for cooking? I'm not going to go to a cooking class when I already know how to cook!"

"You just don't want to go because Gordon Ramsay will call you a donkey."

"You actually think the Gordon Ramsay will be at a cooking class? Also he wouldn't call me a donkey because my cooking is a masterpiece! I would be the one adult he wouldn't yell at."

"Or maybe he would think you were a child? That would make more sense to me." Raleigh tells with a shrug and I glare at her.

       "Not funny."

"I think it's funny."

"Of course you do." I mutter with a sigh.

       "Should we invite him to dinner to watch you cook?"

       "Oh that's a great idea! Except for a few important things."

       "Such as?"

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