45 That's Not Possible

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+Liam's POV+ (Warning: Suicide Attempt Happens)

The bullet lands in his heart as bright red blood spills all over his dark blue carpet. I put the gun in his right hand because he is right handed and stage it to look like suicide. I grab my bag and jump out the back window without looking at what I just did. My phone rings but I ignore it, I don't need any of those fuckers giving me anymore assignments right now. A guy can only take so much and after talking to Raleigh, this fucks with my head even more.

"How was it?" Aiden asks once I get into the black Jeep that he parked two blocks down.

"I thought something was going to go wrong so I called Raleigh and shit, I miss her man. I miss that. Having a family, friends, living life and not just surviving. Once all this shit is over, I'm walking away from this gang shit for good. I know Ryder worked hard to make it powerful and strong but we helped keep it that way. I just don't think all that money is worth it anymore, you know? Or even the thrill." I explain to Aiden, just letting all my thoughts flow out of my mouth. I buckle up and he starts the car and soon we are on our way back to our personal hell.

      "I think you called her because you weren't sure if that was the last time. You don't know what those fucking idiots have in store for us. For all we know, they could be planning to kill us. Walking away is what's best for you, Liam. You want to have a family and there's nothing wrong with that; no one blames you for wanting that. There comes a time where we have to ask ourselves, what do we want the most?"

"I'm scared I'm not going to make it back to her, Aiden. I'm scared that you won't get to see Ethan again. I'm scared they are going to kill us and no one would know. I do want a family and they can't give it to me, only she can. The thing I want most is to live a life with her and with a sense of family. I didn't have that growing up but they were my friends and they were the closet I ever gotten. Then Ria came and we lost, all of us did. Time is the one thing that we'll never get back."

"Honestly, I don't think we are going back soon. I think we are trapped but that doesn't mean we should give up. We both have things to fight for and that is time with people we care about. Neither one of us wants to waste anymore. But we probably will miss a lot more than we wish." Aiden admits and I sigh, knowing he's right. Just as I'm about to speak, something catches my eye.

       "GET DOWN!" I scream as I immediately try to duck under the dash as Aiden slams on the brakes and the bullets fly through the now shattered windshield. I close my eyes and cover my head with my hands and arms. But my head still slams against the dash and everything goes dark.


        There's ringing in my ears and a pounding in my head. I feel stinging pain on my hands and arms. It just all hurts. I try to open my eyes but fail so I try again and see Aiden laying in his seat with blood dripping down him with bullet holes all over his body. His eyes are still wide open and I try to reach to him but everything hurts.

       "A-Aiden?" I ask but it comes out rough and barley above a whisper. No! No! No! I try to reach for him or a phone but I hear traffic and a loud horn. The car rams into my side, throwing me on top of Aiden and everything goes black again.


       "How do you think he's going to react when he finds out what happens?" I hear someone ask, his voice annoyed but worried.

       "You are the fucking idiot who ordered it! And now h-he's dead!" Another voice yells and by the sound of it, she's sobbing.

        Fuck my head hurts! Well everything hurts but my head is pounding! What the hell happened?! There's like stinging pain and just other pain. My whole body just hurts. Hopefully someone gives me something to make it stop.

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