16 You Died

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+Liam's POV+

I look at the brown haired dude that's a shorter than me by like three inches. His gray eyes hold something, something I'm not sure what it is. He's got dirt on his jeans and he has a cigarette in his hands. Then a blue Nike hoodie. How does he know Raleigh? Better yet, who the fuck is he?!

"Who are you?" I snap at him, getting close.

"Better question is who are you?" He asks. Before I can say anything or do anything, a battle cry is heard. I turn to see Zaya and Zoey running over. I didn't do it! But they don't run to me, they run to the other guy and start beating him up.

"What the hell?! Zaya! Zoey! I thought we were friends!" He yells as they hit him.

"I'll show you how much friends we are!" Zaya tells him.

"Be thankful that Randy isn't here!" Zoey hisses at him.

"Can someone tell me what's going on?!" I yell and everyone turns to look at me. The rain makes it hard to see them clearly but I can still see the outlines.

"Let's talk inside." Zoey suggests as her and Zaya drag the mystery dude into the school and I follow.

"What are we doing in here?" I ask as we walk into an empty classroom.

"Talking, dummy." Zoey tells me.

"I know that but what if there's a class soon?" I ask rolling my eyes.

"Bad boy afraid of getting in trouble?" Zaya asks.

"No, I'm just trying to come up with an explanation and I got none."

"Mr. Harris isn't here today, it's Mrs. Kyle. You know how that old bat is. Plus Mr. Harris doesn't have another class today." Zaya says and I look at her confused. What kind of teacher doesn't have their schedule full?

"What she means is that right now it's a planning but Mrs. Kyle wanted a nap as usual. Then the juniors are on a class trip so that takes away like two or three of his periods. The art classes went on a trip too along with the music classes, so that pretty much leaves like two people who skipped." Zoey explains to me.

"Since when are you three all buddy-buddy?" The mystery dude asks.

"Shut up Christian." Zoey snaps at him.

"I've always loved your little fire." He says with a laugh. This causes Zaya to slap him.

"Well you aren't so nice anymore." Christian says, laughing.

"I'll ask only once more before I break every fucking bone in your body, who the fuck are you?!" I growl at him, my patience wearing out. He just looks at me with a smirk and continues laughing. I walk over to him with one thing on my mind, breaking all of his bones like I promised.

"Don't." I hear Ethan say as he walks in with Cody and Randy.

"How did you find us?" I ask and Randy points to Zoey. Of course.

"Where's Raleigh?" Randy asks and I freeze. Fuck! She left! I look out the window and the rain got worse. Fuck!

"Where are you going?" Randy asks me as I walk out of the classroom with Raleigh being the only thing on my mind.

"Raleigh left school early and I tried to stop her because she drank like a whole bottle of vodka or something. Then he came along and she just sprinted out of here." I explain.

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