Log 2-3

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"AH! What a wonderful day it is!!" Sol.

Today! I may have manage to figure out what the recipe of ingredients is needed to create the Anti Holy Potion!!

What if the recipe is the opposite of my Undead Potion?

"Nay... It is probable that it would carry the aspects of Life rather than Holiness... Ah! but a Life Potion may be a valuable asset for the resurrection if the result is very undesirable" Sol.

I continue to circle around in my room with my head facing onto the floor hoping it would help me focus my thoughts.

The door to my room then slowly opens revealing Joseph the zombie and Wiliams.

"Hmmm, I believe all of this ideas can wait for now. Joseph! Have you readied the Haunting Group?" Sol.

"Greaaagghhh....." Joseph.

"Excellent! And Wiliams! Carry this bag for me" Sol.

I throw my bag filled with my tools onto him. I put on my Tophat, fix my suit and grab my satchel filled with vials and a one handed weapon. After thinking about it... I suppose after I am done exploring that floor I'll leave this place, I still need to find her after all.

"Now then.... Let us see what's on the other side of that large door" Sol.


I continue to pull the chains harder and harder with both my right hand and the wrist of my left hand. When I'm finished breaking all of this chains I'll break that skeleton's bones with both my fists and the I'll-


The chains suddenly break making me fall forwards onto the wet and dirty floor.

Maybe I should just focus all of my anger to helpme break these things faster.


Ah this reminds me of the time I was still a unconscious of myself as an undead. The haunts flying elegantly around me, Wiliams crawling beside me and a horde of zombies lead by joseph behind me. I suppose I am quite lucky for not ascending to the afterlife.

Although I am grateful for this nostalgic feeling, I am not grateful for the fact that the normal stone brick corridor and had turn into a full fledge maze within the past 9 hours.

I reopen my small note book to see the map of the Labryinth that I drew a small portion of last time.

"Uh.... I think we're here and.... Now we go right" Sol.

We continue to walk and walk throughout the Labryinth for 2-3 hours without stopping a single second. While walking I continue to scribble the Labryinth's newest layout in order to easily get back home without needing to go through every corridor I come across.

"According to my map this should be the wa-" Sol.

As I took another step I slip and fall backwards in which making all of my servants including the Haunts to catch me midfall. Thankfully, by the efforts of all my servants I manage to not get my suit dirty however the same thing cannot be said the same to my Tophat which has fallen off my head.

As I was about to grab my tophat off from the ground I notice that there is a lot of shattered bones everywhere and large ones at that. I look infront of me only to see a very large rib cage that would befitting a Cyclops- No a Giant!

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