Day 8.2

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Author: We did it..... 1k viewes, thanky you so much( ;∀;).

1 hour have passed and I'm still being carried by Mr. SkyEagle here to who knows where.

I'm starting to think the term "Who knows where" is a normal thing here in this Labryinth.

I look up to the skyeagle, and to my surprise his beak was covered in ice. How the hell do you breathe!?

Wait, now that I think about it. In this super freezing places where I'm hardly able to breathe, with Temperatures able to freeze this guy's beak.

Does this bird even breath at all?

I mean I myself is having a hard time breathing the cold air here, I might even freeze to death if this keeps up.

Or maybe..... That's his plan.

I look down below and see that i was still high above the ground, I was planning to cut of his foot to free myself and land on the ground.

But with this kind of height.... Its just flat out suicide.

Just as I was about to lose all hope and plummeted to despair an idea came into my mind, an amazing idea!

Skill Store!

A tsunami of information then fills my mind, it hurt at first but I got used to it later on.

Is there a skill that would help me in this situation?

I search the endless sea of skills in my mind. There weren't many skills dedicated to what I'm searching for.

Some of them are skills that would help but that only if I have wings or My points can't reach them.

Come on, Come on.....

Wait, what is this?

As I explore the endless sea of skills I found a skill that might just help me out from this situation.

It'll cost all of my points but what does it matter if I die.

I selected the skill and a window shows up.

[Purchase Skill?]


[The Skill [Brave Lv1] Acquired]

I got it, i got [Brave].

Now I just need to wait and find a perfect landing place to use it.

As soon as I said i then saw a cliff in the direction he was heading, well that's convenient.

Alright just a little bit closer....

The cliff was about 10 meters infront of me.


And now to escape.

I quickly stab him in the chest with my horns surprising him and freeing me in the process. And now I'm falling straight to the ground.

I activated [Brave] and flames engulf my whole body. This is where you would think "Why would I burn myself?" But the truth is I didn't.

The flames thicken, increasing my strength and empowering me from inside.

As I fall onto the ground i can hear some of my bones in my feet cracking, But at least I'm not squashed flat.

Gyaaaah, That really hurts!!! It feels like a something stab me in the foot!!

slowly but surely the pain lessen and lessen as the flames covering my body heal it.

It feels weird having my feet heal from an injury this fast, is this what that hero felt everytime he gets healed?

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