Chapter 56 - Epilogue

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Two years later, long after society began its growth. Not only were his kind allowed more opportunities but they were as free as us humans. Hybrids were not property, they could own their own homes and claim a life for themselves, animal characteristics did not matter anymore.

The first year of change faced the most challenges, attacks, revenge, and distress. The second year recovered the remains and repaired what was broken, building and growing into something new.

Our community was quiet and peaceful, a haven to families that fled the cities when conflict came about. Geonhak and I lived far away from the trouble, safely distanced from the dangers of  surrounding areas. There were times he would watch the news and thank me for making the decision to move here. In the end, everything that brought our family to this place was more than luck as if this was planned for us, we needed to be here.

Though nothing to a great scale occurred, small issues did happen between hybrids and humans, too many times.

The more aggressive and poorly treated hybrids did not agree to the idea of compromise or cooperation, their lives were full of hate for their owners who nearly starved them and abused them. They were the most resistant, though I don't blame them. After being treated so terribly it would not be easy to simply let things go and give up without revenge, trusting a strangers promise of a better society. For some... unavoidable revenge came with the killing of their abuser with an assured steep punishishment waiting for them if discovered.

The more appreciated and well treated 'pets' slowly gained more cooperative ground with their owners as the ideals among people transformed and it was clear that more freedom given was the best way for everyone.

As for the untrained, unowned hybrids, most were convinced and persuaded into the same programs Geonhak went through, to rehabilitate and even educate, to put them on equal standing. Some strays regressed to killing humans as well, trying to avoid being captured and forced into a system they never wanted to be apart of.

Previous masters formed groups to target strays, the vulnerable and weak ones. Those humans would take them away as replacement for their lost servants or to destroy them to sate their anger. It was appalling to think of the many ways they 'destroyed their victims' they pulled from the streets.

After so many months of being chased, the strays snapped and there were reports on our tv of deaths caused by 'violent hybrids' but I could see they just wanted to be left alone.

Not everyone must proceed through life in the shape of someone else's vision.

The groups to find strays eventually dwindled and was dissolved into the system. Every human, every hybrid, began new ways of life, some ties remained together and some broke apart the very day a hybrid was allowed to separate themselves of their own volition.

I sat down in the living room, watching Kai play with his toys, attempting to place odd shaped blocks into the wrong spaces. The television played in the background as I read my book, something new, written about hybrids that would help me learn and become one of the 'teachers' as they were titled.

A teacher was simply the name for those working with the new programs to help hybrids looking for help and growth. Geonhak was not amused the day I told him that it was my plan once Kai was older, he was unsure about me being around 'risky students' he called them.
3rd POV
GH: 'You want to work in THAT field? Why not anything safer... like a receptionist?' He stood in front of her looking down at her determined and optimistic expression, himself coming freshly from his own job. He was not angered or disappointed, only unsure about her wish but he smiled at her regardless, holding her hands in his.

'Lion' Leedo/Geonhak x Reader - ONEUS 18+Where stories live. Discover now